College Football Offensive Schemes (ALL)


Each year new offensive and defensive schemes arise throughout the world of football and our implemented to deceive opponents. Teaching these concepts and being a master of deception is a part of the game I was lucky enough to learn at a very young age. This higher intellect of knowing how to bewilder your opponent into believing you are about to run the same play that they seen in film study. Only to have a completely new variation that is able to leave all eleven defenders looking like deer in headlights. Mass confusion is always a great way to win a game and take control of your opponent mentally. Once you establish your opponents mental capacity to adapt, now you can target the weak links in a opposing defense and EXPLOIT that area of the field or one on one match ups. See, to most highly intellectual coaches, the game is not won and lost on the field. Most top coaches, believe they can put ANY athlete that fits their "SYSTEM" in that role and still be effective enough to win ball games. I have learned throughout my career that these coaches are very hard to find and are very unwilling to give up their secrets, as this is what got them employed and to the level they are at. Luckily, if you are adept enough and know psychology, you can figure out how most of this WINNING is being done and why some coaches sit atop the world of football year in and year out.

Knowing every single play ever ran in a football game and having every college/pro style system ingrained in my head from over 25 years of learning at the highest level. I will happily give away my game plan every week and have many similar "variations" off of that play, which leaves the defense to play a guessing game. Lining up in the same formation and running the same play 50 different ways with slight variations, throws the defensive players off who are taught to read certain "keys". Being able to flip from a power style run game to a spread-option or run and shoot attack instantly by adjusting personnel makes them have to adjust accordingly. In most cases, if ran as a cohesive unit, defenses will not have enough time to adapt and will be left feeling very insecure and deflated once we are done using are exploitative tactics. I found a play of Daimarqua Foster on his teammates highlights Johnny Taylor where he carried out one of the most beautiful "screen fakes" I had seen a HIGH caliber back perform. This confirms my grade of Foster and the football IQ that he possesses as the top player in the nation. I gauge players A LOT differently than Rivals, 247 or any other network, as I know EXACTLY how that player can and will be utilized, at the next level. This helps me really know a players true worth when it is all said and done, as there are KEY attributes you look for in each "system fit", for each individual player. I am going to list some examples below, as there happens to be millions of intricacies that make this "barbaric" sport, more of a chess match for people like myself.

Read the rest by clicking the link above to learn about every different college style offense used in today's game.

Conspiracy Theory....

Well, I love a good conspiracy theory as much as the next guy, and I also like unfounded rumors. It's really what Al Gore invented the internet for, right? So,try this on for size...

The squid (Calipari) set up Pitino with the ho in the restaurant, then got her to try and extort money from him. When that didn't get Rick fired, he gave Andre McGee money to buy hos during recruiting trips and to get them offered to current players. He got a bonus if he didn't tell CRP and is still getting paid to keep his mouth shut. Then, he got a UK-oriented rag up in India-no-place to offer the ho money (he provided it, of course) to write a book about it, and the company would then publish it. Now when THAT didn't get CRP fired, he got his pals at the C-J to write stories about President Ramsey, getting him to resign even though he violated no laws. Then he paid Brian Bowen to demand money from Adidas, and to say he wanted to go to U of L. Cal and NIKE then tipped off the FBI that Adidas was going to meet in Vegas with a U of L assistant coach and they would be talking about paying Bowne. When (unknown by CRP) Adidas paid into a Swiss Bank account controlled by UK alumni, The story broke, and the U of L board of Trustees, with Calipari plants Grissom and Schnatter, got wind of it they fired CRP and TJ. For the coup de Grace, Cal bought off Chuck Smrt to get U of L to admit to everything and self-punish. The only thing not directly controlled by the Squid was the NCAA, who he counted on to be their normal stupid, arbitrary selves.

I firmly believe that every word of this is true, and proves that John Calipari is directly involved in the whole mess.

Most important to me in all this .... the reaction of the players on the football team

The way Pres Bendapudi handled things, means we avoided what could have happened at Missouri. Where the team was in outright open rebellion against officials at the school, and the student body revolted. Which has set back Missouri, to this day. Enrollment plummeted, and things have not recovered.

The way Petrino handled things, and then the way Bendapudi followed up with decisive action, and personally addressing the team ... if anything, the players feel even BETTER about where they are right now. And can totally focus on being the best student athletes they can be. And sell that to potential future student athletes too.

That is beyond YUGE.

John Schnatter Deal with UofL

Marty Finley of Business First does a great job of laying out the Schnatter deal and the PJCS deal with UofL. Here's the link, but it is a pay site.

Here are two tiny snippets from Marty's article:

"Schnatter holds the exclusive naming rights to the stadium through 2040. The contract, first signed by U of L in 1996, gives him broad leeway to impact any name changes. The agreement has been amended several times over the years as Schnatter has pledged about $14 million in gifts to the school."

"While many endorsement contracts have ethics or morality clauses, such language is less common in sponsorship contracts, especially those drafted 20 years ago," said Joe Cobbs, an associate professor at the Haile/US Bank College of Business at Northern Kentucky University specializing in sports business."

Mack - Weight Training Philosophy

I found this very interesting when hearing Chris Mack's press conference yesterday. I especially agree with his point about all of the stoppage time in college basketball and the advantage of tiring out the other team is in many cases negated by all of these stops in play. So, why not bulk up your team and be more physical? Makes a lot of sense. So many times Louisville would have a team on the ropes and a foul would occur and bam....TV Timeout. I saw it over and over again. Very frustrating when you're attempting to wear down your opponent and tv timeout or a video review.

THERE’S A DIFFERENT APPROACH IN THE WEIGHT ROOM. Longtime strength and conditioning coach Ray Ganong has announced his retirement, and Mack said he sees some differences in the way he directs strength training under new coach Andy Kettler, who came to U of L from West Virginia.

Asked about his approach, Mack said, “I think it's very different.”

Elaborating, Mack said, “No. 1 I think that Coach G was a guy that did what coach asked. He wanted his players to be able to run up and down and press and play for 40 minutes. And I think that's obviously why they were very successful. But in basketball there's a million ways to skin a cat. I want our guys to be tough. I want them to be physical. Somebody said the word big. We don't aim to get our guys big. We aim to get them stronger. I think that's what coach Kettler puts his focus into with our guys, getting them stronger. He obviously came from a place at West Virginia where they weren't stuck in mud in the half-court. They played full-court basketball, they pressed, they were as physical as any team in the country. So I think there's a little bit of a misnomer when you start to think that Coach Mack just wants his guys bigger and we're not going to be able to get up and down the floor. There's so many timeouts now between TV timeouts and coach-called timeouts, that I think there's ample time for your guys to rest and be able to recover and play fast and play the way we want to, in an aggressive, attacking style.”

Silly Summer Sports Season Question Regarding Papa John

I cannot confirm this to be true, but an ESPN reporter tweeted that John Schnatter personally owns the licensing naming rights of Cardinal Stadium. If he leaves the company, he can rename the building.

So as an exercise in boredom, if you could convince the Papa to change the name, what would you have him change the name of the stadium to instead of Papa Johns Cardinal Stadium?

Deener - Season Basketball Tickets

Deener just said that he had a conversation with the University of Louisville Athletics yesterday concerning basketball season tickets and the new policy for the 3-games where you can elect to sell back your tickets. He said that UofL told him the mass exodus of season ticket holders that many had predicted as a result of TJ and RP dismissals has not occurred.

This is great news.

Total Home Attendance by Team -- ACC Football + Mens Basketball

Attendance for Football plus Men's Basketball is one reasonable proxy for intrinsic earning power of a Program.

Here it is for all the ACC teams (2017 for FB; 2017-18 for MBB):

TOTAL HOME ATTENDANCE (Does not include results from ACC Tourney games)

Clemson 682,067
Syracuse 645,320
NC State 616,236
Louisville 614,644
North Carolina 610,158
Miami 580,949
Florida State 557,313
Virginia Tech 517,488
Virginia 512,496
Georgia Tech 405,152
Duke 336,605
Pittsburgh 328,168
Wake Forest 306,744
Boston College 300,784
Notre Dame 144,770 (MBB only)

Morgan & Morgan Presser w/Luke

Watching this press conference for the reinstatement of the 2011, 2012, and 2013 wins that were vacated. I have to say John Morgan has put together a very impressive press conference. He's put forward some really good arguments, mainly "False Light" derived from Common Law.

I will saw this did come across as one big advertisement for Morgan and Morgan, but I'd imagine that was part of the deal to fund this case was for M&M to be able to benefit from the public exposure this case will get.

I hope they can be successful, feel awful for Luke having to sit there and defend his honor. No doubt he and his teammates have been stained by this unjust ruling by the NCAA.

Jeff Brohm - Louisville Car Wash

So, Jeff Brohm is doing the Louisville media car wash today. I have mixed feelings about this as I really, really respect Jeff and the Brohm family, however he is the coach at Purdue and coming into Louisville's territory hyping his program. Last year with Purdue playing Louisville in the first game I think one could justify his desire to hype the game (sell tickets), but this year there is no such matchup. Louisville and Purdue have been going head to head for some recruits, so his appearance on the radio and tv is now nothing more than recruiting for his program. If Petrino did that in Lexington, Cincinnati, or Indianapolis, I think it would not be received well by others.
