Beginning of the End for Governor's Cup?

Malzahn joins Saban in wanting SEC to goto 9 SEC games. That's two of the more influential coaches in the SEC calling for this change. If that happens then I would expect to see UK wanting to back out of the annual game against Louisville. They would justify the decision by saying that they need the flexibility to schedule their 3 out-of-conference games. Tying up one of the 3 out-of-conference games would be too restrictive. Especially when they would prefer to have 3-winnable games on the schedule each year.


1994 Game One
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I expect . . . .

A lot of things from last night’s game. Number one is do not play the number one team in the USA in week one right out of the box again, ever again. :p But in all seriousness, I do expect we will be a better team in weeks 2, 3, 4 and five, etc., going forward. We will learn from this game and get better because we don’t really have any choice. I do expect to hear a lot of negatives from my fellow UofL fans and that’s ok because we are all entitled to our opinions. And, guess what, we’ll all still be UofL fans at the end of the day. One thing for sure, is that we need to turn out next Saturday for Indiana State to support our University across the board. We will run better, pass better, tackle better and organize better in the weeks ahead. Yeah, I hesitated to do ANY post but that ain’t me. I’ll say this, the only game left on our schedule that we won’t win is Clemson. We are capable of winning the balance, but I won’t predict that because I don’t have a crystal ball but I do have a glass that is half full. Always have had and will always have one.

GO CARDS - BEAT EVERYBODY!!! God Bless America!!!

Like Clemson last year

Tonights game was just a startling demonstration of how far the separation is from us and great teams. Just a total mismatch in every facet.

The lack of discipline continues to carry over from lack season. Other things that have carried over:

- lack of physicality
- inability to run the ball
- poor special teams
- drive killing penalties and boneheaded penalties

Really, really disappointed in Petrino and his staff.

Biggest disappointment

The two things I really wanted to see from this team, I saw the exact opposite.

Tackling. This is a real problem. I really liked what I saw from the defensive playcalling, gap control and reaction...BUT...there were so many plays that should have been great defensive stops if only our player stopped the ball carrier and not missed the tackle. With the way the game is evolving - with greater emphasis being placed on player safety and protection - there is going to be less and less jarring hits. The best defenses in football, at all levels, don’t necessarily deliver the hardest hits - they stop forward progress and minimize yards after first contact.

The biggest thing I wanted to see, regardless of score, was how they played in the fourth quarter. I wanted to see fight and pride until the final whistle. I saw resignation and going through the motions against 2nd and 3rd stringers. The body language was very troublesome. Nobody likes having their azz handed to them, but get up, fight harder. Keep fighting harder. Have the attitude that you lost only because you ran out of clock. This is an indication of team character, and will be the difference between 6-7 wins and 8-9 wins (or better). But lets be honest here - and no, I am not implying Petrino should be on the hotseat - has any Bobby Petrino team, either 1.0 or 2.0, ever been a “second half” team? Almost every memorable win of Petrino’s tenure has been one where we jumped on the opponent from the outset. In fact, I’d like to know an interesting stat if anyone is willing to do the research: What is the greatest deficit CBP has erased as a head coach? If I had to guess, it probably is the Auburn game or one of the two comeback wins against UK led by Bolin and Jackson, respectively. If those are the right answer, I’m not impressed. Auburn had turned to their backups who had no answer for Jackson and had to bring their starters back in. That also was not a good Auburn team. They were projected to be good, but ended up having issues at QB and DL not playing up to potential. If it is UK - well...1) its a rivalry game and 2) it is Kentucky, who are not well-coached.


I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around tomorrows game. I can only scratch my head at the 24.5 point spread that the oddsmakers have assigned to the game. That seems like a lot to me but I am certainly not objective toward the outcome of the game. Most prognosticators seem to be basing their predictions on the fact that regardless of the opponent Alabama has never lost an opening game. But what about Louisville? The Cards are the unknown factor in predicting the outcome in Orlando. The oddsmakers and pundits can't know more about Louisville's defense than I do and I know very little. I do know that the Cards had some good defensive players redshirted and injured last season. I do know we have a new defensive coach that has been good, but is he now? Who knows? Not me and surely not them.
Things I do know: we have an experienced offensive line and great receivers and Alabama lost their top six defensive backs to graduation. We have a quarterback that was highly recruited and is in his third year in Petrino's system and has passed well when in games.
Do I think Alabama will defeat the Cards by 25 points? No way, unless Louisville turns it over or is defensively inept. Will the Cards win? I have no expectation of a victory for Louisville. That's makes it even sweeter when we do win.
