The problem that sacking Jurich created for the clown show is they had to manage suddenly without him. He didn't back himself into any corners, nor did he back U of L into any as long as he was AD. All bets were off with an AD replacement of any caliber, much less a guy with Tyra's credentials. Those were huge shoes to fill, and "Vince" is showing that, for example, by paying $14 million to bail himself out of a situation.
That was what I would have advised "Vince" to do, and he's qualified to perform headhunting; he's done it multiple times already. He could have, but I never said Jurich would have had to do that. I think the situations for Petrino AND Pitino would have been managed with far less consequences by Jurich.
However, that couldn't have been done quickly and by anyone other than Jurich. The clown show couldn't allow that because Jurich was their primary target, and they saw opportunity for themselves. They just underestimated the difficulty and the results.
I didn't say "Vince" caused the downward spiral. Like so many important things U of L related, his primary problem is he can't stop or influence anything. He just supervises the demise for $75,000 per month. Wonderful...