Senore, where you been??
I got operated on August 24th in this 10 hour extravaganza. I sort of even died when it was over - (lol, "I had a rendevouz with death and didn't show up!"). Since then, I have been on a rehab journey at times interesting and at other, agoraphobic. This is the 3rd op I've had since October of 2014, the latter 2 both dealing with mistakes made during #1 - when I was successfully treated for Cancer. I even have a small procedure yet to undergo but it's a couple days in the hospital and this entire saga should end. The first two times, by the time I got home, I had to learn how to walk again - quite literally. This time I did the dished and took out the trash the day I got home, an attribute of the physical work I did before the last operation. But the crap you endure in these major operations - the anesthetics impact, the pain, leave you gnoshing for months at a time. Everything is "off".
This time was the first of these efforts where I actually got somewhat depressed. I cut down a lot of my internet activities, sat at home squeezing tennis balls and stretching plastic in isometrics and tried to not let it all get to me too much. I watched every movie I ever wanted to watch, lol. Got into Netflix binging. It's been a nasty ride and worse - I had to relinquish projects I was invested in and arguably 2/3 finished with, including a book about my old High School baseball coach, Owensboro Legend Jack Hicks, I got emotionally tired and that's dangerous in someone my age - 68. When Spring rolls around, I hope to get back to traveling to Owensboro and combing through newspaper files @ the local library tracing his coaching from 1953-1978, wherein he won almost 700 ballgames and 4 state titles - 11 state titles in American legion. I have around 60 hours of live interviews with Jack - who died a bit over a year ago. I was there, with Father Bradley actually, just before he passed. Father Bradley was an excellent interview too, lol. He married all of Jack's kids, lol.
All that momentum stopped. I was on such a roll, trying to get it all in before he passed and then the cancer. I got a crappy doctor who screwed it up and prolly wasn't even necessary in the first place. It was a shallow polyp which can be removed arthroscopicly, I found out later, and not necessarily a 10 inch cut and totally invasive, debilitating surgery. Those are the fundaments of my law suit, lol.
So I got my butt kicked by events I had little control over. I'm healing again now, got people to show around Louisville tomorrow and the next day, in fact, something I have always enjoyed. I'll get back to whatever normal now is soon enough. I wanted to play softball, lol, but my pace of improvement slows a tad with each of these events. It looks like Spring should be wonderful if I freaking make it, lol.