• 2
    I truly hope you are right CardFirst, if for no other reason than to preserve intercollegiate sports as we know it. It looks like to...
  • 2
    The TV captured a brief glimpse of just how dysfunctional Miami’s football team is, when it showed the two players exchanging blows on...
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  • K
    If the court rules that Hamilton was essentially a representative of the collective there will be all sorts of lawsuits involving coaches.
  • nccardfan
    nccardfan replied to the thread Louisville vs Boston College.
    I agree that based on her skillset Berry should be getting more PT. But I also think she kind of goes off script to do her own thing...
  • nccardfan
    nccardfan replied to the thread Now that's what we needed.
    Not trying to argue anything. Just saying we have 5 guys averaging over 30 mins a game and through the course of the conference...
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  • gamedaynut
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  • Ty Spalding
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  • Beagle11
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  • CardFanBudMan
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  • R
    Like I said. Let ME break a record, get MY name on the wall…..and screw everybody else. Turd.
  • CardsFirst
    The only way I see this ending if the NCAA requires the portal to be restricted to only a period in the summer. And that is done...
  • CardsFirst
    Miami did not take Ward out early. Ward played just long enough to break a D1 record and opted out after half time. He didn’t want to...
  • CardsFirst
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  • Bardman
    Bardman replied to the thread Louisville vs Boston College.
    I think her defense leaves a bit to be desired- at the moment. But, I think that is improving as well. She had a game, the last home...
  • Ty Spalding
    Ty Spalding replied to the thread Merry Christmas!.
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  • Ty Spalding
    LOUISVILLE, Ky. - After five days of festivities, the University of Louisville is set to take on Washington in the Sun Bowl on Tuesday...
  • PushupMan
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  • glassmanJ
    glassmanJ replied to the thread Jaleel Skinner.
    simply, one more person who knows the system so figure that is worth some shortcomings. as rentalman says, maybe some bulk changes his...
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  • J
    JMS1947 replied to the thread Louisville vs Boston College.
    I think Berry should be getting more minutes. When she is on she can take over a game, and she is definitely the best 3-point shooter...
  • Jtiger94
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