Crawford on Deener's show this morning. Pretty insightful.

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Five-Star Poster
May 29, 2001
Discussing Jurich, Crawford said the situation was essentially a power grab to make way for the NBA. The powers that be (we all know who they are) wanted Jurich gone, so they could attract an expansion team in order to boost revenue for the Yum. Jurich, as we all know, resisted the NBA in order to protect UofL's best interests.

Crawford mentioned McDonnell's disappointment with the baseball home crowds this season. He said attendance was down for two reasons- the team wasn't expected to be very good, and it was the first season that tickets had to be purchased. He said people will come around, and this was an adjustment period. He did mention the Mississippi State job, and the fact that Jurich is no longer here, combined with the attendance issue, as factors for him possibly considering it. UofL, btw, is the only NCAA baseball team to win 40 regular season games each of the last six seasons.

He also said Walz not having a deal finalized is troubling, or something of that nature.
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I called 93.9 about the NBA issue in early Feburary. The screener on the call in show dismissed my suggestion that this was all tied to control of the YUM and that investors needed an easier path to access the YUM by getting Jurich and Pitino out of the way. It wasn't 10 days later that it came out that Danny boy was the public puppet for the undiisclosed investment group. This train was coming down the tracks and anyone with a brain would have known that when the departure of Jurich as not legitimate (without cause) and that the FBI seemingly have nothing on Pitino, that the convenience to use that leverage and remove the leaders protecting UofL's interest in the YUM was too good to pass up. It was an easy play for public perception.
If anyone doesn't think Papa and Grissom arent the strong arms within UofL that have interest to the NBA group you are a fool. Everyone under them is just another puppet in the play. Anyone think Tyra isn't connected in that circle?
We are witnessing what is perhaps the single greatest dismantling of an athletic program from within itself for the interest of mega millionaires. Folks need to look in the mirror when they are writing those CAF donations. The devil is inside our house!
And regarding Deener, he was playing the card of "What is the reason that Jurich was fired without cause. Whats the theory." And Perrin is on there just saying he wants to move on and not have to worry about the past. It wasn't two weeks ago the same talking heads on the same program were discusing how well Memphis does with the Gizzlies and Tigers sharing the Fed Ex. They offered no points of concern or pause of thought on how that would work for UofL in competiting in the same pool of public and corporate funds, which they have basically controlled with little to no comeptiton. Memphis State basketball has fallen off the rails ever since they were forced to be 2nd place in their city and arena. It's been a complete drop off. The same will happen to UofL. Deener sitting with the so called affiliation with UofL and his radio channels keeps playing dumb and oblivious to it all. If you think those are genuine public takes, you are again a complete fool. His lips are drooling with the notion of having an NBA team to add to the line up and coverage rotation, advertisers, broadcasting, etc... He simply wants to appear neutral to the public, but believe it when I say he is anything but. I could puke its got me so pissed.
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I predicted (anyone could) the baseball attendance would take a major hit, that was TJ & McDonnell's doing wasn't it? Idea being the product is worth paying for and we want to be like everyone else and charge $. It is really tough to make people pay for what they were getting for free, especially when game times change literally with the weather. It is a great sport I love watching them but the games last 3 hours+ sometimes and I have a hard time committing to buy tickets when I am not sure I can fit the time schedule.

I love coach McDonnell but 2 years ago we made him the top paid HC in the country! If that isn't enough then I am sorry. He signed a 10 year contract through 2026. I guess if he wants to go to MSU we can't stop him. I don't think we should pay him any more. He is a great coach but he still hasn't won a CWS and he is the #1 paid guy. What else does he want?
I predicted (anyone could) the baseball attendance would take a major hit, that was TJ & McDonnell's doing wasn't it? Idea being the product is worth paying for and we want to be like everyone else and charge $. It is really tough to make people pay for what they were getting for free, especially when game times change literally with the weather. It is a great sport I love watching them but the games last 3 hours+ sometimes and I have a hard time committing to buy tickets when I am not sure I can fit the time schedule.

I love coach McDonnell but 2 years ago we made him the top paid HC in the country! If that isn't enough then I am sorry. He signed a 10 year contract through 2026. I guess if he wants to go to MSU we can't stop him. I don't think we should pay him any more. He is a great coach but he still hasn't won a CWS and he is the #1 paid guy. What else does he want?
It's pretty impossible to argue with that. Yes, he and TJ were both certain UofL fans would pony up to watch them play, What I believe they forgot was how many fans dropped in on the spur of the moment, how many brought a passel of kids for a mutual babysitting service where the young'ns could wear themselves out on the bearm, how many people decided it was too much trouble with the freaking absurd hassle of finally breaking through the density of the purchase line and the security hassle. The beer lines were bad enough, lol.

The weather played a humongous role this season as well, with a Spring which decided to visit for a couple days, far far later than usual. But I think they blew it, frankly. Patterson said he wanted if to be free - there was a reason for that, and TJ and Dan decided to plead their case. I think they made a big mistake.
It's pretty impossible to argue with that. Yes, he and TJ were both certain UofL fans would pony up to watch them play, What I believe they forgot was how many fans dropped in on the spur of the moment, how many brought a passel of kids for a mutual babysitting service where the young'ns could wear themselves out on the bearm, how many people decided it was too much trouble with the freaking absurd hassle of finally breaking through the density of the purchase line and the security hassle. The beer lines were bad enough, lol.

The weather played a humongous role this season as well, with a Spring which decided to visit for a couple days, far far later than usual. But I think they blew it, frankly. Patterson said he wanted if to be free - there was a reason for that, and TJ and Dan decided to plead their case. I think they made a big mistake.

I can understand charging for entry. But, they set prices too high right off the bat. Pun not intended. $5 per person for general admission/berm seating. $10 per if you want a chairback seat. That's just too much too soon on the heals of being free. They should have started $2 per for GA/berm, $5 per for chairback, then gradually increase if the demand is there.
I predicted (anyone could) the baseball attendance would take a major hit, that was TJ & McDonnell's doing wasn't it? Idea being the product is worth paying for and we want to be like everyone else and charge $. It is really tough to make people pay for what they were getting for free, especially when game times change literally with the weather. It is a great sport I love watching them but the games last 3 hours+ sometimes and I have a hard time committing to buy tickets when I am not sure I can fit the time schedule.

I love coach McDonnell but 2 years ago we made him the top paid HC in the country! If that isn't enough then I am sorry. He signed a 10 year contract through 2026. I guess if he wants to go to MSU we can't stop him. I don't think we should pay him any more. He is a great coach but he still hasn't won a CWS and he is the #1 paid guy. What else does he want?

Completely agree.

If I’m paying to watch baseball I’m going to watch professional baseball at Slugger Field. Slugger Field is 10 X better venue with better food and beer options.

Dan and TJ’s money grab was a miscalculation. Hopefully Tyra will see this and make general admission free and have paid admission for the grandstands.
Some baseball facts must be optional in this thread...
  • If we're assigning blame, Jurich and Patterson were not advocates for charging admission. McDonnell was, and he eventually got his way.
  • U of L baseball reported average home attendance this year of 2,379. Last year averaged 1,981. That's an increase of 20%.
  • U of L sold close to 2,000 season tickets this year, and I always see people standing in line at the ticket window prior to games. It's not an issue of people willing to pay, it's getting people to show up for games.
  • I do think charging admission hurt the segment of fans bringing kids to games. There used to be birthday parties and kids everywhere.
  • Tyra's focus should be less on attendance and more on keeping McDonnell in his job. His own job depends on it. (OK, that's opinion...)
I can understand charging for entry. But, they set prices too high right off the bat. Pun not intended. $5 per person for general admission/berm seating. $10 per if you want a chairback seat. That's just too much too soon on the heals of being free. They should have started $2 per for GA/berm, $5 per for chairback, then gradually increase if the demand is there.

I definitely agree and said as much last year when they announced this. Too much too fast. They could have sold like 1,000 premium seats (at about $7 or $8 a pop) where people can choose their seats and then put the walk up price at $5 and that would have been a reasonable way to transition to paid admission.

I love what Dan M has done for the baseball program. I think he's one of the best in the country, which is obvious, but if the contract he was given isn't enough, oh well.....all things come to an end.
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Tyra’s job depends on retaining a coach who’s team draws around 2,000 fans per game in a metro area of 1,000,000 people.

People will be out in the streets marching and calling for Tyra’s job for sure! LOL!
If the powers to be, including politicians conspired to remove TJ to get the NBA to town, I hope there were some emails floating around and end up in the public domain which would most likely occur via Pitino's Law Suit.

I would love for these guys to get exposed if that is in fact what occurred. I for one believe it was a big factor.
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Some baseball facts must be optional in this thread...
  • If we're assigning blame, Jurich and Patterson were not advocates for charging admission. McDonnell was, and he eventually got his way

Jurich was DM's boss, charge admission to the games is ultimately TJ's decision. If DM threatened TJ that he'd leave unless games were no longer free then he's a fool.
Jurich was DM's boss, charge admission to the games is ultimately TJ's decision. If DM threatened TJ that he'd leave unless games were no longer free then he's a fool.
"Money grab" indicates you know people's intentions as do these additional comments. And as we've all learned, you don't know jack$hit.
Tyra’s job depends on retaining a coach who’s team draws around 2,000 fans per game in a metro area of 1,000,000 people.

People will be out in the streets marching and calling for Tyra’s job for sure! LOL!
Doesn't matter whether we lose McDonnell or Walz or both. More evidence what some people know.

I definitely agree and said as much last year when they announced this. Too much too fast. They could have sold like 1,000 premium seats (at about $7 or $8 a pop) where people can choose their seats and then put the walk up price at $5 and that would have been a reasonable way to transition to paid admission...
Again, they presold 80% of their chairback seats. How does that indicate prices out of the chute were too high? If anything, I'd argue the opposite...
If the powers to be, including politicians conspired to remove TJ to get the NBA to town, I hope there were some emails floating around and end up in the public domain which would most likely occur via Pitino's Law Suit.

I would love for these guys to get exposed if that is in fact what occurred. I for one believe it was a big factor.

What’s funny is they gambled big time and we won’t see an NBA team here anytime soon. Their just a bunch of big fools with to much money!
Tyra’s job depends on retaining a coach who’s team draws around 2,000 fans per game in a metro area of 1,000,000 people.

People will be out in the streets marching and calling for Tyra’s job for sure! LOL!

It’s just amazing that you don’t understand how important successful people like CDM are to our University. The more successful people we have in positions of authority at UofL the more successful we will be from top to bottom. Hopefully you’ll “get it” sooner rather than later. And, yes Tyra’s job does rely on his ability as AD (or business leader) to keep successful leaders around himself. Unless, of course, his ego can’t stand it. This is exactly what Tom Jurich did so well.

GO CARDS - BEAT EVERYBODY!!! God Bless America!!!
Some baseball facts must be optional in this thread...
  • If we're assigning blame, Jurich and Patterson were not advocates for charging admission. McDonnell was, and he eventually got his way.
  • U of L baseball reported average home attendance this year of 2,379. Last year averaged 1,981. That's an increase of 20%.
  • U of L sold close to 2,000 season tickets this year, and I always see people standing in line at the ticket window prior to games. It's not an issue of people willing to pay, it's getting people to show up for games.
  • I do think charging admission hurt the segment of fans bringing kids to games. There used to be birthday parties and kids everywhere.
  • Tyra's focus should be less on attendance and more on keeping McDonnell in his job. His own job depends on it. (OK, that's opinion...)
Interesting. In the end, it may well have been the weather - which was amazingly crappy, uncharacteristically so - that kept the folks at home. And yes, for sure, there will be fewer kids than ever at UofL games. It was actually a babysitting option, lol.
Again, they presold 80% of their chairback seats. How does that indicate prices out of the chute were too high? If anything, I'd argue the opposite...

Zipp, I was responding to the OP where Crawford indicated that McDonnell was disappointed in the crowds. Selling seats is one thing, people being in them is another.

I wonder how many people that usually were "walk ups" with their family bought the presold seats? I wonder how many usual "walk ups" significantly reduced the number of games they went to? If some companies bought them (I just found out that ours did and they didn't even tell any of us about them, so they went unused for more than half the home games) but didn't use them, it's not like they were too expensive for that. I maintain that the $10 a seat after being free forever may have dampened actual game attendance.

IF McDonnell is concerned about people showing up, I think it's fair to speculate on why that is.
I have no problem speculating--I do it all of the time. But I see too many talking about ticket prices. McDonnell knows about the prices; he probably got a say in it. And he knew how many season tickets were sold months ago. His concern can only be grounded in how many tickets are used or going unused. That's a sl. different discussion.

I have no doubt that some number of people at the margin are not attending games who used to and because they have to pay and/or how much. And that's entirely expected. U of L and McDonnell knew that. What I don't think they expected was routinely for three-quarters of their season ticket holders to not use their tickets...
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I have no problem speculating--I do it all of the time. But I see too many talking about ticket prices. McDonnell knows about the prices; he probably got a say in it. And he knew how many season tickets were sold months ago. His concern can only be grounded in how many tickets are used or going unused. That's a sl. different discussion.

I have no doubt that some number of people at the margin are not attending games who used to and because they have to pay and/or how much. And that's entirely expected. U of L and McDonnell knew that. What I don't think they expected was routinely for three-quarters of their season ticket holders to not use their tickets...

As Senore said.....the unpredictable weather this year is one variable to weigh that no one foresaw happening.....and the fair weather fan who bought season tickets at such an inexpensive price not showing up due to the weather (hence - fair weather fan) both come into play here.

No one can truly predict what the weather is going to be like when schedules are set, etc. It was a perfect storm to diminish attendance and any coach or AD has no control over mother nature.

So it is what it is. Making a mountain out of a mole hill is fruitless. If Coach leaves over that.....than he doesn't want to be here anymore regardless.o_O Just saying.;):) Does MSU have better weather?
Entertainment options in Louisville are almost limitless compared to that of Starkville, Ms. Starkville has football and baseball seasons. No matter how much E$PN tells us that hoops matter in the $€C, basketball season is just something that fills the void between the two.
We can talk all we want on what would motivate Dan McDonnell (or not). He's been here for over a decade dating back to when we had far less than we do today, incl. his salary. There's only been one significant change as far as him personally, and we can dance around it all we want. But we know what it is...

As Senore said.....the unpredictable weather this year is one variable to weigh that no one foresaw happening.....and the fair weather fan who bought season tickets at such an inexpensive price not showing up due to the weather (hence - fair weather fan) both come into play here.

No one can truly predict what the weather is going to be like when schedules are set, etc. It was a perfect storm to diminish attendance and any coach or AD has no control over mother nature.

So it is what it is. Making a mountain out of a mole hill is fruitless. If Coach leaves over that.....than he doesn't want to be here anymore regardless.o_O Just saying.;):) Does MSU have better weather?
No but have you seen baseball attendance at some of these SEC schools?

MSU currently holds the single game attendance record and holds about 4 of the largest on record. Their stadium has a capacity of 15,000. JP holds 4,000 in comparison. So yeah, baseball is big in the SEC.
Then let Mac go there if 15k floats his boat.

But, as was mentioned, I don’t think that has anything to do with it right now. He seemed pretty happy before this year.
What I don't think they expected was routinely for three-quarters of their season ticket holders to not use their tickets...
And the weather really did affect these numbers. I am not a season ticket holder, but I rarely missed a game, despite the worst conditions I can recall in the last 10 years. It wasn't easy by any stretch, but I prefer to watch in person, unlike watching a basketball game on TV.

It's nice to see us talking about baseball, even if it's on a basketball board and we're not really talking about the team..
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We can talk all we want on what would motivate Dan McDonnell (or not). He's been here for over a decade dating back to when we had far less than we do today, incl. his salary. There's only been one significant change as far as him personally, and we can dance around it all we want. But we know what it is...


The charging for tickets decision was not made by Tyra. Tyra does not control the weather either. To say that this change is behind Coach M's motivation is a simplistic speculative explanation.....there are likely more.

Maybe Jack or Howie can ask him in an interview what is going on in his mind about his stance on being the HC at UofL now and what his future intentions are or not.
Some baseball facts must be optional in this thread...
  • If we're assigning blame, Jurich and Patterson were not advocates for charging admission. McDonnell was, and he eventually got his way.
  • U of L baseball reported average home attendance this year of 2,379. Last year averaged 1,981. That's an increase of 20%.
  • U of L sold close to 2,000 season tickets this year, and I always see people standing in line at the ticket window prior to games. It's not an issue of people willing to pay, it's getting people to show up for games.
  • I do think charging admission hurt the segment of fans bringing kids to games. There used to be birthday parties and kids everywhere.
  • Tyra's focus should be less on attendance and more on keeping McDonnell in his job. His own job depends on it. (OK, that's opinion...)
Sounds like Dan doesn’t have many reasons to complain. With those sales statistics and attendance numbers in spite of the weather this spring, it seems like he is trying to play the contract game. However, DM is essentially the Jimbo Fisher of college baseball. Usually has a top team, but not worth a record contract. The difference is Fisher actually has a national championship. DM should either decide he is content with what he has built and the terms of his contract or we should let him walk. Just like FSU. Plain and simple.
Sounds like Dan doesn’t have many reasons to complain. With those sales statistics and attendance numbers in spite of the weather this spring, it seems like he is trying to play the contract game. However, DM is essentially the Jimbo Fisher of college baseball. Usually has a top team, but not worth a record contract. The difference is Fisher actually has a national championship. DM should either decide he is content with what he has built and the terms of his contract or we should let him walk. Just like FSU. Plain and simple.
Cash, I think you're WAY undervaluing McDonnell. He's worth every penny of his very large contract...
Cash, I think you're WAY undervaluing McDonnell. He's worth every penny of his very large contract...
Based off what? Winning in the other sports has real monetary value to the school and athletic department. That is how their salaries are justified. I am not sure baseball has that same impact to the school. I do agree he is a terrific coach and leader. I have no problem with his salary. I am not real sure any coach in non-revenue sports where attendance/fundraising isn't strong is worth that kind of money. With that said he may have raised ten times his salary then your point is valid. A place like MSU where it is attended extremely well that is a different story. He could move the $$$ through the roof because he would be extremely successful at MSU.

Attendance the weather sucked, that is the primary reason and all the negative things happening played a role too. I have no problem them charging just need to tweak it a little bit on game days.
The value of a successful baseball coach is in success in the ACC and in the post season NCAA and College World Series. CDM pays for himself in all of those areas. Another area is in the success of baseball continues the “donation” levels of the big donors to our University. That’s how he pays for himself and his staff.

GO CARDS - BEAT EVERYBODY!!! God Bless America!!!
The value of college baseball is under estimated by the fact of how many players from U of L under Dan M that are playing professional ball. Maybe making not as much as football and basketball players but there are some pretty good contracts out there. McKay’s comes to mind.
Cash, I think you're WAY undervaluing McDonnell. He's worth every penny of his very large contract...
He’s worth his current contract, no arguments there. I hope he sticks around, but if he’s going for more money I don’t have a problem with letting him walk is all I’m saying. If he wants more money he should win a national title. Someone said he is already the highest paid coach. IMO he is probably even worth that, but that gap shouldn’t be increased until he’s won the big one.
We can talk all we want on what would motivate Dan McDonnell (or not). He's been here for over a decade dating back to when we had far less than we do today, incl. his salary. There's only been one significant change as far as him personally, and we can dance around it all we want. But we know what it is...


Oh zipp with another theory. He loves theories because that takes away from the facts. The facts is that the JP Stadium is most likely getting an expansion and they added a new scoreboard. But hey, DM hates Tyra’s guts :D
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