The Transfer Portal effect, 4 of top 25 had losing records

just interesting to see their early top 25 has four teams that had losing records last year, w/ arkansas being ranking 16th while having zero returning players. bodes well for us too i guess, but 10 years ago it would be impossible to imagine that a team with a losing record was going to be one of the country's best the next year.

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ACC coaches' anonymous takes on ACC football programs

ACC coaches dish on each other .... . here's the whole article ...

Here's the Louisville bit:


“Watch out for these guys; they were ahead of schedule last season and sneaked up on a lot of teams in our league."

"The offense is good, but it’s not that level [Jeff ] Brohm normally operates at. The quarterback play has been good and solid but never really great, so they brought in [Texas Tech transfer Tyler] Shough to take over the job."

"The defense really carried them at parts of last season. They’re stronger than you think and play really physical."

"They don’t get enough national attention. Brohm’s back home, he knows that state and can recruit better talent to that place than Purdue. They can be just as good this year, especially if the offense opens up more.”

Summer slow days - hypothetical

Alright so we’ve reached the dog days of summer with no news.

So I pose a hypothetical to the board for fun. Out of all the Louisville quarterbacks, if you had them in their prime, and you had to hand them the ball in the national championship and say “Go win”. Who would you choose?

I’m gonna go with Teddy. Dude had ice in his veins.

Nolan Traore

Had heard rumblings that UofL was interested in Traore but sounds like he's not going to attend college in the U.S.

"It was cool to have all these programs interested in me," Traore said. "I don't take that for granted. It was a reward for all the work I've put in. I was happy to have all these options, but the possibility of staying close to my family was also important. They can visit me, and I can go home easily."

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Basketball-what if someone told you last January/February/March it would look like this June 1?

4-5 months ago, the laughingstock of the country. Borderline top 25-30 pre season pick now, or at least in the conversation

At the risk of hyperbole, it's almost a miracle.

This roster, just watch their highlights, and they are team players and some DOGS

This much of a positive, engaging coach, and a guy that cares and shows it--and doesn't make excuses.

I know we haven't played a game yet. He hasn't won a game here, but he has won, and these players have.

And anyone in coaching circles says he can 100% coach too, not just blowing smoke.

We won't win 30, but I will be shocked if we don't win 18-20 and put a product on the floor every night we're all proud of.

We sure as hell won't lose to KWC and Lee Ann Rhimes.
