Eric Crawford interviews Josh Heird ... long, but worth the read

Heird tries to answer some difficult questions regarding the new direction in college atheltics ... Link above ... here's a bit of the article to get started ...

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WDRB) – Here, in brief, is the challenge facing University of Louisville (and every other Power 5) athletic department starting in the 2025-26 season: Find $22 million with which to pay players, the details and guidelines of which will be added in the coming months.

This is the House v. NCAA settlement in a nutshell. The NCAA is tired of losing in court. It is afraid of losing a major class-action case in court. And it is seeking a framework that will allow itself to stabilize as it converts fully to the new reality of athletes not only being able to make their own money off their Names, Images and Likenesses, but of being due a share of actual media rights revenues earned by their schools and conferences.

Add in an additional $2.5 billion or so in damages – essentially back payments -- to athletes who were denied a right to earn in the past, and you have a picture of the liability the NCAA and its schools are facing over the next 10 years (the length of the deal).

The timing of the settlement could be better for U of L. Record-low basketball attendance has presented a revenue challenge for the school, though improving football fortunes and a hoped-for basketball revival could help turn the picture around fairly quickly. (Having only six home football games next season, though, won’t help.)

Regardless, the money has to come from somewhere. Athletic director Josh Heird acknowledged in a recent interview, “We don’t have $20 million sitting around, I can promise you that.”

So, Louisville, like everyone else, will have to find the money, whether it’s in new revenue, reduced spending, cuts or reallocations. It’s the new normal – for now. Somewhere, schools will have to find a way to carve out a $20-$22 million piece of the pie for their athletes.

How? Nobody is quite sure.

“I don't think there's a better example of building an airplane while you're flying it than what we're going through right now,” Heird said.

For schools in the SEC or Big Ten, that may be less of a burden. The SEC is set to begin its first season of a 10-year, $3 billion rights deal with ESPN. The Big Ten announced a seven-year, $8 billion deal with NBC, CBS and FOX last year. Those leagues are sending major cash infusions to their members to help offset costs. But even for schools at the top end of the revenue spectrum, adding a $20 million line item is no small thing.

The ACC distributed an average of $44.8 million to its football playing members in 2024, but that number won’t grow significantly, while the Big Ten and SEC widen the revenue gap.

All of which creates a challenging landscape for Louisville, which has begun to prepare a strategy for meeting the new revenue-sharing challenge without really yet having a playbook.

Recently, Heird spent some time with WDRB to talk about the school’s approach. The following Q&A with WDRB’s Eric Crawford tackles some of the basic questions, knowing that answers sometimes are simply not available without more specifics of the rules that the settlement lays out, such as whether the payments are subject to Title IX law.

The following are some edited excerpts from that conversation.

CRAWFORD: The House settlement is being talked about everywhere. What are your initial thoughts and some of the challenges as Louisville starts to put together an approach to this?


Luke update with Ennis..

The vibe today in the gym was great, bouncy, positive. Players are telling Siva and Luke "we're getting us back"

The coaches love the city, love being here.

He only saw a workout with 5 players, but talked to PK and Siva a lot

Noah was shooting deep and looks great, making shots and is long, totally impressed Luke with his movement and release

As well as he shot it, not as good as Reyne- "unbelievable shooter" I think were his words

Reyne made 81 of 87 threes in a drill. Ultimate green light.

The player that has surprised Siva the most-James Scott-has been here several days longer than anyone else. Plays with an edge, bouncy tall and long, violently throws the ball through the rim. Still aspects of being "raw" but potential through the roof

Asked if he was going to keep C of C system, yes, recruited players to fit the system.

Coaches LOVE this group of players.

The players were well-coached where they were, and won

PK-loves Siva-Peyton is just a guy that makes situations he's around better

Big recruiting weekends ahead, some guys I’m keeping an eye on!

These next few weeks will make or break the class. I for one have been incredibly critical of the HS recruiting but there will be some big fish on campus for OVs, we just need to land some.

May 31st big names
CJ May
Ben Hanks
Floyd Boucard
Cameron Gorin
Cortez Thomas.. i think.

June 7th
Kalen Edwards!! 6’4 315 DT. Top schools are Auburn, Georgia, and Us. Those are the waters I want to be swimming in.
Ezekiel Marcelin
Tyrone Burrus
Montavin Quisenberry

More guys obviously in the coming weeks after these.

FB RECRUITING: Louisville 'near top of list' for Rivals250 DL

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Defensive tackle Randy Adirika hasn’t tipped his hand much but Penn State is in good position heading into official visits. Louisville and Miami are right near the top of his list as well.

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The Transfer Portal effect, 4 of top 25 had losing records

just interesting to see their early top 25 has four teams that had losing records last year, w/ arkansas being ranking 16th while having zero returning players. bodes well for us too i guess, but 10 years ago it would be impossible to imagine that a team with a losing record was going to be one of the country's best the next year.

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ACC coaches' anonymous takes on ACC football programs

ACC coaches dish on each other .... . here's the whole article ...

Here's the Louisville bit:


“Watch out for these guys; they were ahead of schedule last season and sneaked up on a lot of teams in our league."

"The offense is good, but it’s not that level [Jeff ] Brohm normally operates at. The quarterback play has been good and solid but never really great, so they brought in [Texas Tech transfer Tyler] Shough to take over the job."

"The defense really carried them at parts of last season. They’re stronger than you think and play really physical."

"They don’t get enough national attention. Brohm’s back home, he knows that state and can recruit better talent to that place than Purdue. They can be just as good this year, especially if the offense opens up more.”

Summer slow days - hypothetical

Alright so we’ve reached the dog days of summer with no news.

So I pose a hypothetical to the board for fun. Out of all the Louisville quarterbacks, if you had them in their prime, and you had to hand them the ball in the national championship and say “Go win”. Who would you choose?

I’m gonna go with Teddy. Dude had ice in his veins.

Nolan Traore

Had heard rumblings that UofL was interested in Traore but sounds like he's not going to attend college in the U.S.

"It was cool to have all these programs interested in me," Traore said. "I don't take that for granted. It was a reward for all the work I've put in. I was happy to have all these options, but the possibility of staying close to my family was also important. They can visit me, and I can go home easily."

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