In that 20 years of history, did Jurich ever fail to honor a contract? The picture is cute, but it’s not argument. It is, rather, avoidance of argument. I don’t blame you, what you have been doing so far is weak. Is your new argument that somehow Jurich would have raised the money to pay off Bobby? This is a new angle. Up until now, it was his magical “relationship” that would do it. Now if I understand he would raise the money first. Of course, this is yet another, new hypothetical. The advantage of this one is that it requires no facts in support (not that you have done that with your other theories). You simply assume that if Jurich was able to raise money in the past that it would always be there in the future. He may well have raised it over time. But this is not a trivial amount. He would have had little time, for the season unwound with surprising speed. Also, he would have had to move fast to secure a replacement coach. In order to pull that off how does he NOT borrow from the H-C fund? UofL is not Texas. It doesn’t have an army of super-donors ready to write a check of that size. What’s he going to do- sell naming rights to the parking lots?
“I tailgated in the Kroger Fire Bobby Petrino lot last week”.
Not only that, but if he didn’t borrow from Hickman-Camp, and somehow got the dough, it would have severely limited the department in other areas of potential growth, because that source of funds would be a dry well going forward, at least for a while.
The simple reality is that though TJ was a great AD and Vince NQ is a placeholder (I think and hope) he would not have handled the Petrino case differently from Vince NQ. This is because he COULD not have handled it differently; and that was no one’s fault but his own.