What's the straw man? That "Vince" balked at spending an extra million when he was already committed to spending $20+ million? That's exactly on topic for this thread.So this is what you do when you lose an argument, you create a straw man. This is the second time you’ve done this to me in this thread alone.
What did Vince do to you personally “Zipp” to make you hate him so much? The guy keeps making all the right moves and you just keep dogging him. Look man, i liked Jurich too, but he sealed his fate letting Pitino get away with an affair that embarrassed the univeristy, then he didn’t fire him when again one of Pitino’s coaches were treating our dorm rooms like the back rooms at the .25 peep shows. It’s not Vince’s fault that Jurich made the wrong call on Pitino, and Vince is doing his best here, what’s wrong with a little support?
I'll back off on "Vince" when the cheerleaders like yourself stop leading cheers. STFU about "Vince". When you give the guy time to do the job BEFORE declaring success or victory, I'll be more patient too. But that's the problem... You want me to stop driving down YOUR street in the opposite direction. Not gonna happen...