I haven't read this thread in a while and just picked up with the last couple of comments. Nothing about the game just uk fans babbling about certain eligible players not meeting their "honor" code or whatever it is they're bitching about. Who freaking cares if you don't like the players, you have to play against them. Can you beat them or not?
My gosh, how stupid is it to come over here whining about not liking the player?
You have to play against them so what is the purpose of all your whining?
Do these idiots live in a vacuum are the really this stupid? Anyone who plays this stupid "we have good kids and they have thugs" (as if it even matters to begin with) is just a lazy tool who really has nothing to say. Any rational person (there's your first clue as to what their problem is) will know that with Division I football, with 90 young men (many from rough backgrounds and broken homes) there are ALWAYS incidents with some of them, all programs have it, it is a fact of life.
Anyone who wants to come off as all of our players are honorable, honest, high character choir boys while all of yours are psycho convicts is just an idiot. My gosh, all programs have this. Heck without even looking anything up I can remember uk guys getting into a bar brawl, a guy crashing his car intoxicated, a guy beating up his girlfriend (Central HS player), Tubman charged with rape, uk's quarterback running from the police station hiding his face from cameras with a piece of paper, heck some guy driving drunk crashing and killing teammates.
Every program has issues with 90 football players. EVERYONE does. They then want to play this character game as if we don't have issues but you do. It doesn't even have anything to do with the game. How does picking out a few players on the opponents team that have troubled pasts and then bringing it up and bitching about it have anything to do with anything? They're eligible, they're on the team, you have to play them. Quit bitching. I guess they think they're going to lose since they want to talk about everyone's past instead of football.