Stick meet ball


Four-Star Poster
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
While this team has lots of depth, experience and solid pitching (thus far)...hitting the ball has been a struggle. Timely hitting (I recall this being a struggle before and they worked their way out of it) and 2-out hitting (again, recall going through this before and they worked their way out of it). So what does this mean? I know momentum is key late in the season - so early season struggles are not setting off alarms. But, the lack of hitting is putting pressure on the pitchers and it should be the other way around. Make it easy on your pitchers by scoring runs and pressure the other teams’ batters. I am interested in others’ thoughts regarding the potential of this team as far as hitting goes. I believe there are lots of bats but not lots of power. This doesn’t bother me because you can’t defend single, single, single, etc. Lastly, one comment on the X game yesterday. CDM loves to hunt. Yet, in extra innings with a man on first and Campbell at the plate we don’t bunt...? If a bunt had been laid down our runner is at second. The next batter ripped a shot to right and the run would have scored. Instead, we know the result. Very puzzling.
Yes.timely hitting is the subject of the day. Lots of questions so far with this team,but most could be answered with a few timely hits.
Don't know why Mac wasn't bunting Campbell either,considering some of his at bats.
I can't answer for the lack of power,but I do think CM will begin to take some more chances with getting runners going,hit-and-run,as soon as he has more confidence they can do it.
There wasn't much power last year, so I guess it's a stretch to expect more this year. I think McKay and Ellis spoiled us a couple of seasons ago. A lot of our guys, they all seem like the same player, sans Wyatt, if that makes any sense.

Ok, 3 losses after 8 games, losing to a 1-5 Xavier team, who certainly didn't look like a 1-5 team, but 1-5 nevertheless- I don't think many of us expected these early results. They aren't a well oiled machine...yet.
They aren't a well oiled machine...yet.
Absolutely,and don't underestimate the chemistry between all these new guys and the vets that is ever evolving. This group has not become a team yet. Maybe some early lumps will mold them and their character.
Agree about the power. I am perfectly happy with a team that just inowcks our base hits. They score runs too! Having a power threat or two does help but isn’t make or break IMO. I think we have a bunch of contact hitters and they will come around.
I will say though,that CM has some young guys that are physically impressive. They are waiting their turn,and it looks like CM is playing a team that is his better defensive team,for the most part.
I think the guys playing will come along once the weather heats up. They've been beaten by 2 teams that are/were starving for rpi wins. We will have those every other week and in between real soon.Just got to be hungrier against hungry teams.
There wasn't much power last year, so I guess it's a stretch to expect more this year. I think McKay and Ellis spoiled us a couple of seasons ago. A lot of our guys, they all seem like the same player, sans Wyatt, if that makes any sense.

Ok, 3 losses after 8 games, losing to a 1-5 Xavier team, who certainly didn't look like a 1-5 team, but 1-5 nevertheless- I don't think many of us expected these early results. They aren't a well oiled machine...yet.
I agree that I thought last years team was lacking the power we have had in past seasons. But we had a balanced effort between Stowers (9), Mann (7) and Wyatt (6). Besides Wyatt who I don’t really consider a HR guy, you have to wonder where the power will come from.

In regards to Campbell not bunting, it’s definitely a head scratcher, but it might be that he thought everyone in the stadium thought he would have Campbell bunt. Decided to take a chance to see if someone could get a clutch hit.
I just watched CM's interview post game Xavier. There was a question about Wyatt being so close to the national leaders in walks. Interesting take by CM.
The best hitters have a good approach/plan at the plate. Wyatt always has a good approach my guess is McDonnell wants Wyatt to be more agressive, not Cory Ray aggressive, but more like McKay. Danny O is really solid, but just not much pop. There aren't many really good hitters in this line up. They tend to try to work counts which imo is not a good approach for this team. You better be a really good hitter to consistently hit when you are behind in the count all the time.

Bad philosophy or approach is a big part of the problem. I see guys guessing and guessing wrong too often. They let too many fastballs in hitters counts go by. Early in the at bat they let fastball go by because they are either sitting on curveball or have been told to work the count or they flat freeze up.

A good example yesterday was Leavy took 2 fastballs for strikes the only explanation was he was sitting on curveball. That's great if you get and don't miss the curve when you get it. It was a absolutely god awful approach and at bat for a guy that is struggling. The easiest pitch to hit is a fastball even if it is a good one. Fastball balls are easier to time. Now if a pitcher is painting the corners moving it around at 95-94 look and pray for a curve. A good off speed pitch is still the hardest pitch to hit. The pitcher yesterday had a good curve, it was sharp, it had depth and he controlled it. Leavy's plan was to go to the plate looking for his best pitch. No!!!! You sit on his average fastball then if you miss shorten it up and put the ball in play. This happens with almost every hitter except Wyatt and Danny O.

It is still early and hitting in the cold sucks, I just don't like their approach which warm whether won't fix.
It is still early and hitting in the cold sucks, I just don't like their approach which warm whether won't fix.
I don't disagree with this,or much else in your post. I was trying to be kind with my temarks about the cold. Yes,it absolutely has more to do with their approach.
Wyatt has almost 20 walks already,but the other team will have to eventually pay for that,unless like CM thinks,he will have to be sitting on an early fastball. I get where Coach is coming from. The team needs Wyatt to be driving in runs,unless we get some more power behind him. I love Oriente,but I think the guy will eventually be Binelas. Danny O is our most clutch guy,but he moves the ball around more than he drives it in the gaps.
Danny O is perfect for the 2 hole but just doesn't have the speed. Synder is frustrating in that spot because he has all the tools, but not the right mentality for the spot in the lineup. It is like Cory Ray being the lead off guy he may have been the only guy but he was the wrong fit. He struck out way to much for a lead off guy. Synder doesn't do any of the little things well, bunting, moving guys over or getting timely hits. However, I am not sure on who would be a good fit there.

Davis bat is legit. The ball jumps off his bat. I like is freshman energy too.
Benlias provides another lefty. Need to see more off him.

There are some veterans that aren't handling the pressure from the younger guys and are clearly pressing at the plate. No way Camobell should be struggling like this. Sorry, Leavy can't hit at this level. He should be a late inning defensive sub, he is really good at 3rd. The right thing to do is give them their shot if they don't produce they have good options.
The lack of timely hitting,or better yet,any hitting got exposed in the first 2 this weekend.