I'm going to contest you on this post. Have you READ your board at all? Read the 284 page thread on the scandal on your board (or any other thread on your board for that matter) and tell me there isn't a TON of hate on your board (including photoshops), or that visitors aren't treated extremely hateful. As far as the autobans and hateful treatment, also go back to read your board and see how many visitors from ANY fan base posts on Rafters. Then come back here and count how many visitors, especially UK posters, including yourself, are posting here. You count any and all visitors to Rafters, and I will only count UK posters here, and I garuntee its close to a 10-1 ratio of visitors who post here vs on Rafters. I don't care what your posters post on your board regarding our program, as long as you behave when you post here, but don't piss on us there, and try to tell us it's raining here....it won't fly.