And conversely, you only disagree with his point of view because you don’t believe it. No other reason.Not exactly true. You posted words spoken by Franken and called it "synopsized wonderfully by Senator Al Franken" when he is actually more like a hypocritical idiot. Conservatives are 'like 4 year old kids' while liberals are 'grown ups.' That is condescending, arrogant, and frankly insulting. You only agree with his point of view because you believe it. No other reason.
I felt that the quote was appropriate to this conversation because many of those objecting to the protest are doing so in a visceral way due to their perception that because those protesters are kneeling during the anthem - they must not be patriotic or worse - not love America. That they continue to feel that way despite all of the first person accounting to the contrary - seems childlike and childish.
The difference is that children don’t have the capacity to understand nuance and process complex situations. Adults are unwilling to do so in many cases because it might mean they have to cede some of the moral high ground that they’ve staked out.