Yeah, but what's the context? As I recall, it has historically been in a debate AMONG U OF L FANS about the merits of judging a U of L coach in that light. How other fanbases judge their programs with their respective players and coaches is a different matter.I would not deliberately misquote or quote out of context... not my style. As for exact, does this count?
And I wanna hear one of those fans in a fanbase that has a hundred different T-shirt variations counting up national championships tell me that championships aren't the ultimate indicator? If in a discussion on your own message board you wanna debate keeping Pitino Lite despite consistent failure to win a championship with superior talent vs. everyone else, that's your business. That ain't the issue here.
As I've said, your fans get tattoos and T-shirts printed IN ADVANCE proclaiming outcomes. No way in hell you can retrospectively call anything other than a national championship "incredible". Not if you're being honest with yourself and staying away from lipstick.
"Elite program", my a$$...