Jeremiah Bell - transfer target


Jul 12, 2004
Received his release from Milwaukee yesterday. Guard who averaged double figures. Originally from KY. He wants to play at a high major and wants to be closer to home. Strong possibility for the Cards.
LOL... It's gotten to this.

eh, i'll give Mack a few years.

hard to recruit when all the other coaches can point to the guillotine hanging over UofL right now. probably why they missed out on the top 3-4 they were after. after the clown-nuts running the last titanic screwed Lee/Lewis out of the tourney why would any grad transfer go to UofL when they don't know what other penalties school 6 is getting.
If Mack was working for what Padgett was making, I'd be very patient. He's making almost five times more, which makes me five times less patient...
If Mack was working for what Padgett was making, I'd be very patient. He's making almost five times more, which makes me five times less patient...

Pitino made the NIT his 1st year coaching in a much weaker league Conference USA and he got paid a lot of $ - he is a HOF guy.

Are we holding Mack to a higher standard than a HOF coach? Or are we saying Rick was a disaster year one?

Or are did we give Rick time because he's a HOF coach and was a slam dunk hire? I think that's where we are on it, right?
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Pitino made the NIT his 1st year coaching in a much weaker league Conference USA and he got paid a lot of $ - he is a HOF guy.

Are we holding Mack to a higher standard than a HOF coach? Or are we saying Rick was a disaster year one?

Or are did we give Rick time because he's a HOF coach and was a slam dunk hire? I think that's where we are on it, right?
To use my analysis...

If Padgett went 12-19 last year in CUSA, I would be more patient with Mack this year in the ACC. But that's not what happened...
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If Mack was working for what Padgett was making, I'd be very patient. He's making almost five times more, which makes me five times less patient...

If Pitino would have retired after winning the NC or, say, Pitino retired after last season AND none of the crap from the last 3 years would have transpired, I would be right there with you, Zipp. I would expect Mack to hit it out of the park immediately and my expectations would be very high. He would not get that much leeway in my eyes.

But the negative events of the last few years DID happen. Those things did hurt the program. And the uncertainty that goes with all of that for the future, makes me have a different outlook on things. We don't know for sure how much damage and hindrance all of that constant negativity- even if some of it was not deserved- has on recruits or recruiting in general. We are not in a position to know for sure. However, I can say with certainty that all of that definitely hasn't helped matters at all.
Pitino made the NIT his 1st year coaching in a much weaker league Conference USA and he got paid a lot of $ - he is a HOF guy.

Are we holding Mack to a higher standard than a HOF coach? Or are we saying Rick was a disaster year one?

Or are did we give Rick time because he's a HOF coach and was a slam dunk hire? I think that's where we are on it, right?
Here’s what wrong with your analogy. CRP already had a NC. He deserved some patience and respect. As far as I know, Mack did good in a mid major conference and when he finally achieved success in Power 5, he underachieved in the NCAAT. Plus like Zipp said, he’s getting paid 4 mil.
BTW, while I'm not trying to speak for U of L fans--since I seldom do--I don't think what I'm expressing is that far away from what the "average fan" will be saying next year at this time.

hop and I have discussed this already... It's fine to talk about this stuff well out of season. I think most fans next year when basketball season kicks in will be expecting to make the NCAA tourney. How we get there is TBD...Whether Mack coaches the existing guys to an unexpected result, or whether he lands 2-3 guys who help significantly (as unlikely as that's starting to look).

And if we fall short of an NCAA bid, you'll hear more than one comment that "Padgett was doing that well." Considering their difference in pay, that's not a comparison you want to be debating.

Mack will get props if he just makes the tourney. Less than that, the honeymoon will officially be over if not sooner...
Mack will get props if he just makes the tourney. .

See - you don't disagree with me even though you keep saying you do.

UofL fans don't give props to their coach if he just makes the tourney - unless they have no expectations for the team. That's it. Our work is done here!
If Mack was working for what Padgett was making, I'd be very patient. He's making almost five times more, which makes me five times less patient...

Zipp. I know you like the art & exercise of debate. I don't think you're being realistic about the situation that he inherited. He kept the entire returning team together - that was recruiting job #1 and he did that brilliantly. Now we're staring into that abyss where it is so easy to recruit against Louisville for guys who aren't already here.

Maybe your stance is that since bad recruiting/bad seasons is what we're facing regardless of the coach, then we should have retained Padgett to "see what happens" to ride out the storm over the next few years and save ~$3MM per year. Then at the end of this 3-5 years (that's how long this is going to take, IMO) of losing, you go get the coach you want if Padgett isn't the guy. I don't agree with this POV (I think it is far too risky) but I can understand the logic of it.

The risk is that the program is at such a low point in 3-5 years that it will be impossible to get a Coach Mack, Tom Crean (yes I know), or anyone else of any "name." That's the risk and it's huge. The belief, although you may not share it, is that Coach Mack is in fact a great coach and so we get him now with what stock value we still have and ride this out during this mess (where admittedly we'll all be second-guessing decisions made because it will be such a mess), and we have a great coach already in place, feeling at home, well-paid, and hungry to rebuild it at the end of it when the storm has cleared. We believe have that guy now. If you don't share that belief then I'm sure this makes no sense but at least try to understand that POV.
It's going to be a rough 2 years I think and its expected.

Pray it only lasts 2 years. My guess is the NCAA does very very little while the FBI investigation continues so I'm expecting 3-5 years. Nothing I'm seeing makes me hope the guillotine will be removed until at least that long. Louisville sports bring me great joy (my professional teams are the Reds and the Bengals), so believe me if I am wrong I will be very happy about it!
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Zipp. I know you like the art & exercise of debate. I don't think you're being realistic about the situation that he inherited. He kept the entire returning team together - that was recruiting job #1 and he did that brilliantly. Now we're staring into that abyss where it is so easy to recruit against Louisville for guys who aren't already here.

Maybe your stance is that since bad recruiting/bad seasons is what we're facing regardless of the coach, then we should have retained Padgett to "see what happens" to ride out the storm over the next few years and save ~$3MM per year. Then at the end of this 3-5 years (that's how long this is going to take, IMO) of losing, you go get the coach you want if Padgett isn't the guy. I don't agree with this POV (I think it is far too risky) but I can understand the logic of it.

The risk is that the program is at such a low point in 3-5 years that it will be impossible to get a Coach Mack, Tom Crean (yes I know), or anyone else of any "name." That's the risk and it's huge. The belief, although you may not share it, is that Coach Mack is in fact a great coach and so we get him now with what stock value we still have and ride this out during this mess (where admittedly we'll all be second-guessing decisions made because it will be such a mess), and we have a great coach already in place, feeling at home, well-paid, and hungry to rebuild it at the end of it when the storm has cleared. We believe have that guy now. If you don't share that belief then I'm sure this makes no sense but at least try to understand that POV.
I think Mack is a good coach, but I don't know if he's a great coach. That answer will come. The issue is he's making today what a great (or nearly so) coach is making, and everyone is treating him as such. Fine, he needs to prove that. He needs to do what a guy like Pitino would do coming in under similar circumstances.

A great coach coach gets this team into the NCAA tourney next year against the odds. A good coach is on the bubble but falls short. An average coach does worse than we did this past season. And I don't think that's being overly critical; in fact, I think the average fan will fall in line with those benchmarks.

Looking further out, I'm keeping an open mind about Mack because I think all coaches are hired guns and really don't care about this extracurricular stuff that we're debating everyday. He wasn't really anymore successful at Xavier than his predecessors, none of whom went onto greatness. But maybe the circumstances are right for him to make further improvement here. We'll see...I'm not making any predictions on this one.
This year's team is going to have less talent than last year's team not to mention less depth. If he makes the tourney it will be a great coaching job, period. We have some talent left but our best three players off that team are gone.
Zipp. I know you like the art & exercise of debate. I don't think you're being realistic about the situation that he inherited. He kept the entire returning team together - that was recruiting job #1 and he did that brilliantly. Now we're staring into that abyss where it is so easy to recruit against Louisville for guys who aren't already here.

Maybe your stance is that since bad recruiting/bad seasons is what we're facing regardless of the coach, then we should have retained Padgett to "see what happens" to ride out the storm over the next few years and save ~$3MM per year. Then at the end of this 3-5 years (that's how long this is going to take, IMO) of losing, you go get the coach you want if Padgett isn't the guy. I don't agree with this POV (I think it is far too risky) but I can understand the logic of it.

The risk is that the program is at such a low point in 3-5 years that it will be impossible to get a Coach Mack, Tom Crean (yes I know), or anyone else of any "name." That's the risk and it's huge. The belief, although you may not share it, is that Coach Mack is in fact a great coach and so we get him now with what stock value we still have and ride this out during this mess (where admittedly we'll all be second-guessing decisions made because it will be such a mess), and we have a great coach already in place, feeling at home, well-paid, and hungry to rebuild it at the end of it when the storm has cleared. We believe have that guy now. If you don't share that belief then I'm sure this makes no sense but at least try to understand that POV.
You want to give him a A+ for recruiting because he kept the team intact? You sir must not have kids who played college sports or understand recruiting. First of all Sutton and McMahon weren’t going anywhere. Same goes for Enoch. They can’t lose another year of eligibility. Anybody else who left would have to sit out a year from playing and that’s ok for some. But what you’re missing is that guys who want to leave (from an under performing team) somebody has to want them and they would have to be a Power 5 team unless they just wanted to play for sisters of the poor. So it would be stupid for anyone to leave especially under this situation where it looks like the asst trainer might have to play.
You want to give him a A+ for recruiting because he kept the team intact? You sir must not have kids who played college sports or understand recruiting. First of all Sutton and McMahon weren’t going anywhere. Same goes for Enoch. They can’t lose another year of eligibility. Anybody else who left would have to sit out a year from playing and that’s ok for some.

My kids are 8 & 6 so no I don't have kids who played college sports. LOL. As for the rest, players have transferred from programs with less "stuff" than what these guys are dealing with. You can only fix what you've had the time to fix and have in front of you, which in this case is a 4 weeks/keeping the current roster. If you don't think that's big, then consider what next year would be like if a few key players had decided to transfer.
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If Mack had last years team we are a four seed. This years team looks to be 8-9 based on talent. There is some but it’s young and raw. We had 4 returning starters last year. This year we have 1 and no freshman.
Mack was and still is responsible for completing this roster. I never commented on HOW he reaches the postseason...coaching, recruiting, or a combination...
My kids are 8 & 6 so no I don't have kids who played college sports. LOL. As for the rest, players have transferred from programs with less "stuff" than what these guys are dealing with. You can only fix what you've had the time to fix and have in front of you, which in this case is a 4 weeks/keeping the current roster. If you don't think that's big, then consider what next year would be like if a few key players had decided to transfer.
The guys you are talking about that transferred believed they could get more playing time and opportunity somewhere else. Not the case here.
You want to give him a A+ for recruiting because he kept the team intact?

In another thread you pointed out DP left KU because as you put it, Ol' Roy left.

Even you provide examples that show it's not a guarantee a new coach comes in and holds a prior roster together.

Considering all the problems at the program, the guy deserves a lot of credit for keeping Perry, Williams, Nwora, and Thomas. Maybe not an A+ but quite a bit.

Sure a couple others like Enoch, Sutton, and McMahon had limited or no options.

Have you ever seen the quantity of players on a transfer list each year? It's hundreds.

Guys with 3 years remaining had plenty of options.

If he doesn't keep those 4 young guys this team is a dumpster fire next year. Since he was able to hold them, we see a few optimistic posters - like you. You expect 20+ wins and an NCAA berth. Would have had no chance of that is the 4 young guys went away.
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In another thread you pointed out DP left KU because as you put it, Ol' Roy left.

Even you provide examples that show it's not a guarantee a new coach comes in and holds a prior roster together.

Considering all the problems at the program, the guy deserves a lot of credit for keeping Perry, Williams, Nwora, and Thomas. Maybe not an A+ but quite a bit.

Sure a couple others like Enoch, Sutton, and McMahon had limited or no options.

Have you ever seen the quantity of players on a transfer list each year? It's hundreds.

Guys with 3 years remaining had plenty of options.

If he doesn't keep those 4 young guys this team is a dumpster fire next year. Since he was able to hold them, we see a few optimistic posters - like you. You expect 20+ wins and an NCAA berth. Would have had no chance of that is the 4 young guys went away.
Perry and others had already decided to stay. The ones who were on the fence supposedly were King and Nwora. Now I would ask you if King and possibly Nwora knew that Adel and Spalding weren’t coming back, you think they would risk losing 1 year of sitting out rather than stay and compete? Again I will ask you who wanted King and Nwora and were those D1 Power 5 conference teams?
Again I will ask you who wanted King and Nwora and were those D1 Power 5 conference teams?

You're acting like P5 schools don't acquire transfers. Are you living in a bubble in your basement? The P5 team you talk about on this forum every day gets a transfer nearly every other year. This is a top program, and a P5 one. Many P5 programs bring in transfers.
It’s been proven year after year that preseason rankings don’t mean jack. They’re only talking points. U of L wasn’t the only team that didn’t live up to preseason hype.

The preseason polls are a barometer. The bottom line is last year X over achieved in the regular season and under achieved to their seed. The year prior to that X over achieved to their seed.

There just isn't enough of a sample to be entering these results into the discussion as if they are talking points.

But the guy you responded to said Mack would have had the Cards in as a 4 seed last year. And considering he took a team pre season ranked one spot lower to a 1 seed, it's not a crazy point the poster suggested. He's probably closer to being right than wrong.

Any experienced coach would have taken the Cards to the tourney, seeding would vary.
If King and Nwora announced they were transferring, there would be coaches recruiting them heavily to join their program.

It is hard to believe you follow basketball this closely and are unaware of their value nationally.

Over half of Nwora's offers were from P5 schools over a year ago - half of 22 offers.

Seriously? You are suggesting P5 schools would not be interested in him or King?

What? That's nuclear level uninformed.
If King and Nwora announced they were transferring, there would be coaches recruiting them heavily to join their program.

It is hard to believe you follow basketball this closely and are unaware of their value nationally.

Over half of Nwora's offers were from P5 schools over a year ago - half of 22 offers.

Seriously? You are suggesting P5 schools would not be interested in him or King?

What? That's nuclear level uninformed.
Well since you think you know it all. No kid announces he is transferring unless he’s got an offer at another school or knows where he’s going. The schools that recruited him wanted him the year after he graduated, not two years after. Most schools have fill those needs by then and sarcastically are not waiting for kids who they initially recruited to leave the school they chose over them in the first place. It is you sir that is uneducated.

PS - I didn’t say they weren’t value. What I said was Duke, UNC, UK weren’t going to want them but yeah maybe Dayton, UNC Greensboro, VCU might want them, but would you leave the ACC to go there?
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How in the hell could anyone say Mack under achieved just because he lost as a number 1 seed . Look at the team they lost too . I'm sure we all know of the talent that existed on that team.Xavier getting a 1 seed was very debatable in the first place due to no team really being dominant other than maybe Villanova who was really the only true lock. And if anyone considers him under performing at Xavier is truly ignorant of BB. what the heck would you consider Cal, Self, who have all the best talent and sure are not hanging multiple NCAA championships .
How in the hell could anyone say Mack under achieved just because he lost a number 1 seed.

People put a lot of weight in March. Look at UVA's incredible season, only 2 losses, won the ACC running away. Yet they will always be remembered for getting destroyed by a #16 seed and the season therefore a failure.