There are lots of good posts about individual players and it occurred to me how difficult it would be to predict the players who will get the most minutes. I count 13 on scholarship and there is talent from top to bottom. I am, for one, hard pressed to name the players who will see the top nine minutes once I get past Evans, Balogun, and Dixon. Here is my feeble attempt not necessarily in order of minutes played.
1, Evans
2. Balogun
3. Dixon
4. Cochran
5. HVL
6. Robinson
7. K. Smith
8. Parker
9. Green
i know I am going to irk some by leaving off A. Smith, Russell, Konno, and Lockhart. If there is any consolation . I am probably very wrong!!!
1, Evans
2. Balogun
3. Dixon
4. Cochran
5. HVL
6. Robinson
7. K. Smith
8. Parker
9. Green
i know I am going to irk some by leaving off A. Smith, Russell, Konno, and Lockhart. If there is any consolation . I am probably very wrong!!!