You're a slapd!ck who doesn't really know why Ramsey was replaced...just what you were told or read. And reporting summary data from SEVEN YEARS of Foundation annual reports is anything but cherry picking. You just don't like what the data say because it doesn't suit your agenda.What I know is Ramsey and entire BOT were replaced for questionable financial dealings with what are supposed to be YOURE University's assets. Those allegations were based on audits from the state.
You cherry pick whichever information you wish. Comparing UofL to UK is just a bias since you detest anything blue, which is all good. Since UK was not on the loss column according to the state audit and the UK athletics department gave funds to build educational facilities while UofL, which is often listed as the most valuable athletics department in the nation had to get money from the already strapped educational side should be enough to raise red flags about financial accountability.
You're a great Louisville fan. Ramsey and later on Jurich will be fine. Multimillionaires. They don't need fans.
U of L athletics funds academics to the tune of about $30 million annually in the form of tuition and expenses for nearly a thousand students who are also associated with athletics. That's money U of L wouldn't have without athletics. More ish you don't understand or don't want to.
You need to stick to men's college basketball which is all slappies can discuss with any knowledge...