Well, let me ask you a question... Who allowed Ramsey to behave the "reckless" way he was behaving? God? The Governor? Oh yeah, he had a BOARD overseeing his actions. Kinda like Jurich did while he was managing Pitino. And THOSE BOARDS are responsible first and foremost in a rational world sans agendas.
Like any employee regardless of how well compensated, those guys needed to be told what they were doing was "reckless". And there needs to be hard evidence of that--not the alleged offenses, but being TOLD they were offenses. Then and only then do you have legit fire-able offenses. Not simply because you or someone else doesn't like a guy or his actions. Jurich and Ramsey were scapegoats for the irresponsibility of their respective Boards, and that's ONLY IF these guys were doing some legitimately wrong.
But I don't really think they were (doing something wrong). The level of crime and who was responsible were trumped up to get Ramsey and Jurich out of the picture. Too much power and money in the hands of people who were outnumbered by scumbags and the sheep who followed them. Outnumbered by your friends...