Fair enough. In the end, perhaps all I want you to admit is that we reached an unprecedented scale based absolutely on the success of men we now trash. Great things are attained by great men and then the maintenance crews show up to try and solidify those gains- thank God. Guys like "respected accountants", lol. One thing is certain - trying to replicate what was achieved is basically impossible.
This was all new territory and they ran with big balls.The result was breath-taking. This link will show $344 Million in new building for the campus and university, only 10% of which are sports related, and this is
now, not what already happened, which is already legendary. There may be a billion more in the pipleine.
Maybe it was time for Jurich to step aside - man, I'll need more convincing than what we've been given. Also, as much as I like the personality on Tyra, his origins smell funny to me. Ex business partner of Grizzwad, Vuince is now making the 8th highest AD salary in the country - with no experience? And people complain about Padgett possibly getting the gig with his "lack of experience", lol.
I want the rats out of the frigging belfry. They are there, gorging on the results of work by others and pissing in a bottle. Every day crappy, small personalities pose as the replacement parts for geniuses is an awful day.