That's fine, I expect and respect that.This may be intended as constructive thought. But Louisville fans will have to be excused from taking such from most LPT fans except for a couple who have posted here with some level of credibility...
That's fine, I expect and respect that.This may be intended as constructive thought. But Louisville fans will have to be excused from taking such from most LPT fans except for a couple who have posted here with some level of credibility...
This may be intended as constructive thought. But Louisville fans will have to be excused from taking such from most LPT fans except for a couple who have posted here with some level of credibility.
I would just be making snarky, sarcastic comments and calling people names because that's my style. "Cartwheels" are not my style...
At least we all know ourselves.I'd rather stalk people and google for irrelevant personal information about them...
No, that's what you did to the residents at Harbours...At least we all know ourselves.
Oh, keep making my point for me, Lawrenceburg. Please...No, that's what you did to the residents at Harbours...
No fanbase measures itself against U of L across the spectrum more than slapd!cks do, regardless of what you wanna believe.
"Elite program", my a$$...
All I know is that when I tune into an LPT radio show for $hits and giggles or go to a message board, half of it is about U of L. Even the 99% of the world that doesn't revolve around college basketball.No way you believe that. Right? UL has a historic top 10 program. Nothing to sneeze at.
UK has been relevant in every decade since the 40s. Relevance to me means competing for championships. UK has a Final 4 or straight out Championship in every decabe since the 40s besides the 60s and 80s we're they made a final 4 in 84 and we're runner ups in 66. Thats pretty impressive itself.
Not taking anything away from UL. But not so sure UK compare itself to them. Im also not saying UL compares or measures its success by looking 100 miles up the road.
Great inner state rivalry with fans on both sides that confuse a basketball rivalry as some type of personal crusade against each other. Both schools have had embarrassing incidents that some fans try to ignore instead of being honest.
All I know is that when I tune into an LPT radio show for $hits and giggles or go to a message board, half of it is about U of L. Even the 99% of the world that doesn't revolve around college basketball.
And when it comes to unbridled hate, no one holds a candle to a group of slapd!cks. They're experts on the subject of channeling passion and hate.
Is it constructive benchmarking and measuring?...Hardly. But it IS an obsession, it's obvious, and it's as comical as any other free form of entertainment out there.
"Elite program", my a$$...
I never said anything about the NCAA thingy--which is over. I'm talking about what goes on between the lines. LPT sucks wind on everything but basketball compared to the state's premier athletics program. And even in basketball, LPT plays in a mid-major conference and mostly in obscurity for 2+ months of the season in an effort to simply rack up wins. ...While Louisville plays in the best conference, making more money, and in better digs.Of course UL has been the topic of a lot of the conversations in Ky. Go check IUs, Memphis, UNC any other schools boards. All have threads about UL and its situation. When ESPN and other huge News outlets do repeated stories on ULs issues over the past 5 years you will get a lot of attention on your program. I agree some have taken this and used it as a vindictive victory. A victory of what? I have no idea..But some do seem to be way to happy and personally gratified this happened. Not me. Its sad for the state and school.
But do not kid yourself. This bad attention UL has gotten is self inflicted. 3 sex scandals in 5 years will bring unwanted nasty attention from people only wanting to hurt the program. Would happen to UK if in the same position.