Clemson loses and makes ACC title game
- By Mayoman
- Forum: Louisville Football
- 22 Replies
Unfortunately the SEC and Big 10 draw the most eyeballs for their games which translates into the most money for the TV networks which translates into more money (and power) for the conference which translates into network honks further pumping their valuable commodity. The supposed governing body - the NCAA - is impotent. Long story short, while what you propose makes sense, it ain’t gonna happen.
They do draw the most for now...but how much of the rest of the nation tunes out for lack of one of their teams to pull for? Who knows that figure? Besides, it is tiring seeing the same ole same ole teams get all the opportunities...of course they will have more teams get in and likely could they not? Which solidifies their recruiting. etc, etc, Teams that are excluded can never win if they don't get in. And then the self fullfiling fantasy never ends and since it is not fully challenged it will never end.
The NFL has reached its zenith because of the playoff inclusion and not exclusion. The more parity and chances of teams to make the playoffs has taken them to their greatest heights of popularity and $$$ for the league and you agree with that?
If college would follow that model more closely...would not the same $$$ results follow? Am I making any sense with that train of thought? It would also help if ESPN's and Fox's $$$ to the leagues was more equitable too. I know that is a pipe dream right now too. A disruptiion needs to happen for these changes to take place. What should that be?