• vivid_red
    Great to beat VA twice in one season even if Tony, I can't handle it, Bennett wasn't coaching. I am sure it hurt him to watch. GO CARDS!
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    CoachJ1122 replied to the thread at SMU will take huge effort.
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  • TheThirdBanner
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  • vivid_red
    vivid_red replied to the thread Bill Olsen Gymnasium.
    Dollar Bill was his nickname in the 80's. Because he drained the average fan of every dollar he could. I had several encounters with...
  • CardsFirst
    CardsFirst replied to the thread at SMU will take huge effort.
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  • TheRealVille
    TheRealVille replied to the thread Syracuse at Louisville.
    I agree. I know Walz has several guards but he needs to get Berry more minutes. I think he plays Russell too much. But, when you're on a...
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    CoachJ1122 replied to the thread at SMU will take huge effort.
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  • Pervis_Griffith
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    LouisvilleCardMan replied to the thread Bill Olsen Gymnasium.
    Awesome! Great to see Olsen get some long overdue acknowledgement.
  • CardFanBudMan
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  • glassmanJ
    glassmanJ replied to the thread Green shirts.
    it was a local energy drink promotion and regretfully their colors were green. pretty stupid not to have an orange shirt then add green...
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  • CardFanBudMan
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  • Cardiac Red
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    Tbj1996 replied to the thread Basketball recruiting updates.
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  • Ty Spalding
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  • CommodoreCard
    I was at the game today. My group all mentioned how full and organized the student section was. Good to hear the roar of the Yum...
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  • Beagle11
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  • Vikcard
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  • C
    They put up 117 today They are bubble team, fighting to get in. We will likely be ranked-so they will be even more hyped They have...
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  • cards_rock
    cards_rock posted the thread Wow! in Premium: Collision Course.
    Did anyone think you would be this excited about Louisville basketball this quickly after the dumpster fire era? I sure didn’t. PK was...
