• R
    Rollem Cards replied to the thread "Dirt Bowl" uniforms:.
    It’s hell to get old. I didn’t remember squat about Nova til you posted this. 🤣 Everybody but UCLA had to vacate IIRC for some players...
  • TheRealVille
    TheRealVille replied to the thread Lamar Jackson.
    There's no doubt. I don't know how these dudes do it. When you cold, everything you do is slower. Everything hurts more. You lose your...
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  • Ty Spalding
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  • CardFanBudMan
    CardFanBudMan replied to the thread "Dirt Bowl" uniforms:.
    I think you meant Brooks and Dunn. 😂
  • EKYCard643
    EKYCard643 replied to the thread at SMU will take huge effort.
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  • CardsDan
    CardsDan replied to the thread "Dirt Bowl" uniforms:.
    Jim Richards was the head coach at Glasgow HS and brought Bailey and Dunn with him when he became Johnny Oldham's assistant.
  • CardsDan
    CardsDan replied to the thread at SMU will take huge effort.
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    Reecefor3 replied to the thread at SMU will take huge effort.
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    Reecefor3 replied to the thread at SMU will take huge effort.
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  • 2
    2330859 replied to the thread Lamar Jackson.
    I have never been in KC, but I have been in Buffalo (actually Niagara) in January. It was around 15 degrees and as I was walking between...
  • E
    earsky replied to the thread Cards Back In the Top 25.
    Agree with this. Clemson is really good and I expect to see them do well in the Big Dance. To me,that win will only get better over the...
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  • 2
    2330859 replied to the thread Bill Olsen Gymnasium.
    Well said Vivid
  • cards_rock
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  • TheThirdBanner
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  • EKYCard643
    EKYCard643 replied to the thread Lamar.
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  • TheRealVille
    Watched much of SMU's loss to UNC. They don't play the kind of defense we saw against Tennessee and Ole Miss. They do however can shoot...
  • B
    BooneCo_Card replied to the thread "Dirt Bowl" uniforms:.
    Jim Rose - Hazard IIRC Jerome Perry was injured prior to 1970-1 season and missed the entire year. He was a starter on the 1969-70...
  • EKYCard643
    EKYCard643 replied to the thread at SMU will take huge effort.
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  • TheRealVille
    TheRealVille replied to the thread Cards Back In the Top 25.
    I think the Clemson win is the more impressive win because we beat them without Pryor. And it's not just the wins, it's how Louisville...
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    Cpren11 replied to the thread Lamar.
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    Reecefor3 replied to the thread Lamar.
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