Last time Cards won in Lexghanistan

UC & "Big O" had 2 NC's before joining the Metro and Marquette's run with Al McGuire was as an independent. I was asking did anyone other than UL win a NC while in the same conference as UL. ........other than in the Big East and ACC..
Big "O" didn't win a NC at UC
A one time troll feeding.

I'll post it again for the mentally challenged:

"Nobody wins more meaningless games than Calipari. He chokes when the stakes are high. A non conference game in December is right in his wheelhouse."
Yes, that is absolutely true - nobody wins more meaningless games than Calipari, because he does hold the record for regular season wins since he's been at UK.

It's also true that nobody wins more meaningful games than Calipari, because he also holds the record for most NCAA wins since he's been at UK.

And you can also save yourself a bit of typing and just leave it at: nobody wins more than Calipari. This statement is also correct.

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