Why people are so hurt over this..and will be for a while

Weird times. Purdue fans are coming on a UofL board to rip a regular poster here that happens to like IU and Louisville.

For Purdue fans, these are truly the salad days.
Savor every fleeting moment, you crazy kids.

IU and Louisville fans have a lot in common. We all cant stand UK or PU.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend."
People are hurt because they take sports to serious and act like it's their life its cool to be a fan but damn you have no control so don't get butt hurt. There is always next year or the year after that. Life goes on with or with out sports
I agree 100%...I take college football way too seriously. I would like to definitely lighten up on it.
Nothing Brohm said ever made me feel like UofL was a choice. Those of you feeling hurt or betrayed brought this on yourself.
He never said yes or even maybe. He did say he was staying at Purdue. There is no sense in even trying to talk to people who put words in other people's mouth, though.
These post are idiotic, at best.
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