Who you gonna watch??


Feb 18, 2005
with both men and women playing at 7 tonite. men at GA Tech and women at ND who you gonna watch and who you gonna dvr? women hopefully will be the better game as I think the men play hard and together for a 15 pt win.. women stand a helluva shot IF they don't start off as cold as they have lately..if they do they will find themselves behind by 20 very quickly.....ND is VERY good although I think we are as well......still haven't figured out how I am going to watch them both............
Good question and I've thought about it...

I think I'll DVR both and watch both simultaneously on ESPN3 split screen. Then, watch the high def replays of either or both if we win.

That's unless the broadcast quality on ESPN3 is un-watchable because of buffering and Flash Player crashes as is often the case. My display isn't a problem. The computer stream comes in beautifully through an HDMI connection to a large flat panel TV.
DVR is awesome. It's probably tripled the amount of television that I watch in the few years that I've had it. XD
Use the Big Screens PIP...Can't believe others don't use this option more ofter...Who needs a DVR?!
Originally posted by Knucklehank1:
I try really hard to watch the women's games but the amount of turnovers sometimes pains me.It's a different game. One thing that relaxes me when we miss a layup or dribble a ball off our foot is knowing that the other team is at least as likely to do the same thing on the next play.

And not to knock the quality because there are elements of the women's game that are better than the men's. The way Walz coaches it, passing is one. Midrange shooting is another. Often but not always, free throw shooting is better as well.

I also like the attitude of the average player. More and more rock stars in college football and men's basketball that detract from those sports...
As of right now, I'm wanting to watch the ladies. Their game looks more entertaining.

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