WBB Luncheon


Jun 20, 2001
A nice presentation at these UofL WBB luncheon Friday at the Galt House Grand Ballroom. Nick Curran was the emcee at the event.

The meal itself was about what you'd expect at an event like this -- chicken breast, mashed potatoes and wedge of lettuce. Dessert was definitely the best part of the meal. Good cheesecake.

The team was introduced, Vince wasn't there due to a death in the family, Amy Calabreeze made a few remarks and Nick did a Q&A with Hailey, Kianna and Kasa.

Walz spoke at length about the players, especially the seniors and then fielded fans' questions.

Sonja, how did the luncheon go?
It was good. Good to see people again. Good to talk to the coaches, fans and friends.

I am not a big fan of the Galt House, but they did an OK job. The meal was forgettable. The presentation was fast-paced, with Nick Curran doing a great job in his first year as emcee -- replacing Sean Moth.

They swept the players out of the Grand Ballroom pretty quickly, which is a change from past years. Normally you could go up and talk to a few of them. Also, the players were all at a couple of tables, not sitting with a table of fans individually. I know some fans missed that.

I know that the Galt House is now an official partner with UofL now and that's why the event was moved there -- from the Marriott -- it is what it is. It was pretty easy to get out of there afterwards, that ws a problem at the Marriott in the past.

Paulie did a fun pre-banquet with Sam Purcell that you can find on SoundCloud. There was less media than normal there, and that may have been because the Media Day was just two days separated from the luncheon. In previous years, there is usually a week or so in between the two events. I didn't see a single TV station there, but maybe I just missed them.

All in all, I'm glad we went.

I wasn’t able to attend so I was hoping there was going to be better coverage of the event.
Wow… awesome write up Sonja. A consistent Top 5 team and no TV representative……. Unbelievable…