When you say "a kid" in which sport are you referring to? I know some WBB players had grades changed but no proof of MBB.
Care to show the email?

Of course he won;t share the proof, because it does not exist. These people that think WBB is being thrown on the sword are proving one thing...that they don't know a thing about this case. Because if they did, they would know why WBB is being crucified.
So,is Cal responsible as well?

This isn't about Cal, or UK, or past transgressions. However, since you ask the question, I will say this... and it applies to all coaches (as well as business leaders, managers, etc). There is a difference between direct responsibilities and overall/ultimate responsibility. In the sense of Cal, Pitino, etc... they are ULTIMATELY responsible for what goes on in their programs. But I don't think either was DIRECTLY responsible for what led to investigations/sanctions.

Just like as an IT Consulting Manager, my consultants are directly responsible for their actions, I hold the ultimate responsibility for my organization.

And when I say Pitino is responsible in my previous post, that is per NCAA rules, which were changed a few years back so the head coaches are held responsible for all transgressions. So, did he know about this? No. Was he directly responsible? No. Is he still held accountable? Yes.

Same goes for UNC or any other school. The athletic programs that broke the rules will be held responsible. The faculty/staff that broke rules will be held responsible. However, this whole thing appears to be an academic issue. A major black eye for the school, but will have little to no impact on MBB it appears.
And when I say Pitino is responsible in my previous post, that is per NCAA rules, which were changed a few years back so the head coaches are held responsible for all transgressions
The rules were changed a few years back because of coaches LIKE Calipari who played the "I didn't know" card, moved on to another program while leaving the one behind to crash and burn on its own.

I 100% agree.