I seriously doubt you know how these guys think. It almost took an act of the legislature to START the LPT game. At least get your info straight. And I don't think Jurich anticipates backlash either way. The little brothers among us will whine, but the more enlightened fans will see the wisdom of dropping them. You can't please everyone, which is why Jurich lets money make his decisions.
You're simply rationalizing why/how U of L season ticket holders give up their tickets. The fact remains your own season ticket holders don't value going to the game. You're in effect taking credit for demand from slapd!cks to prove how strong your own demand for the game is. That's weak sauce and typical of a little brother mind game.
Again, that's rationalizing. You're a little brother, and you don't understand why more fans aren't little brothers. I understand it perfectly.
I'm not shelling out more than it takes to go to, say, watch Duke or UNC. Not paying for that is totally consistent with my view that the game doesn't mean anything more.
Little brothers and idiots enjoy the game. (Idiots are those who like getting beat.) Also a little curious how you know what would work so well among the slapd!cks. Curious in that they also like playing the game.
"Elite program", my a$$...
1. I used to think that you were intentionally obtuse, using it as a strategy to gloss over those facts that didn't fit your narrative and that you couldn't rationally answer. I now think I was perhaps giving you too much credit. My entire reason for mentioning the legislature was because it almost took their action to force the yut administration to give the fans what they wanted - an ongoing basketball (and now multiple other sports) series. Yet somehow that point sailed over your head. Hmmm ...
2. You "seriously doubt that (I) know how these guys think", and yet my (and multiple other people on here) reasoning is consistent with what is actually happening. Yet not a sentence later, you don't "think" Jurich anticipates fan backlash - a notion that is totally at odds with the manner in which he goes about his job. TJ is the best AD in the country because he anticipates literally everything and does his best to put himself in the fan's shoes - and factors that in when making decisions as he's on record saying many times.
3. Given that rationalization is the cornerstone of each of your positions at some point during their shelf life, it's no wonder why you would accuse others of the same. I'm not rationalizing anything, I'm simply explaining a real life dynamic that you are either too intellectually dishonest or, not bright enough to understand. The fact that some UofL season ticket holders would sell their seats to yut fans and reap hundreds of dollars in profit shows that unlike those yut fans, they have a rational, common sense approach to the situation and aren't using emotion to drive their actions.
In any case, the insinuation that this is an example of a lack of fan interest interest in the series, shows a clear lack of understanding on your part of human behavior and, simple economics. Well, at least other's decision making process that governs their behavior as relates to the economic decisions they make for themselves. You clearly understand your own behavior and motivations, when you admit that its economic factors that keep you away from the game.
So to sum up, in your world being too cheap to pay for that ticket is a virtue but, selling a commodity that you own for enormous profit is a vice. Tell me again about rationalization - lol.
4. You keep throwing around the term "little brother" - meant as an insult, a way to denigrate those who disagree with your position. That's directly from the yut playbook and is as laughably ignorant when you say it, as when they do. Both you and they bring out that term when you have nowhere else to turn - when your collective rationales are at their most paper thin but, both of you fail to realize that it's a label that has no power to those among us who are secure in their situation. No less than Jurich himself has embraced that moniker as a positive.
Tell me again - you're a UofL fan? Other than cluttering up a message board with 30K posts, I sure don't see any evidence of it.