Our angles on tackling need to be addressed. You can't run right at people,it doesn't work.
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It will never make sense to me why we're so bad on 4th and 1. If I could ask Brohm one frigging question, it would be why don't you QB sneak it when you have such big QB's?

Does he not know all the failed ones before? Yet he once again doesn't try to sneak it. I will never, ever understand it.
Yea that one left me scratching my head too!
There's simply no reason for Brohm to retain Ron English as DC. If he can't get a top level defensive coach here, he's not going to get where he wants to go.

It's real simple for Washington in this game. Just bait the Cards linebackers and then have their running QB run for yards.

We're going to need to score 45+ to win this game, unless the defense can make the adjustment.
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Or bootleg it. Everybody in the universe knows what's coming. Why not just try anything different?!🤔
Exactly! Is it stubbornness? Brohm can still run it but how about going under center? Why always in the shotgun and run off tackle?
This game is turning out exactly like the SMU game. We made the SMU QB, Jennings into a star, and we're doing it again with Williams for Washington.
I’d bring in Duce and run an option for the 4th down play.
The Defense must step up in this second half. They have to cover some damn receivers - please.
I’d bring in Duce and run an option for the 4th down play.
The Defense must step up in this second half. They have to cover some damn receivers - please.
I've been calling for that with Clarkson all season. Brohm is just not going to do it.
Wait, wait. I’ve read from many fans that Kurisky isn’t good enough to be a starting TE for us. He can block and he can catch. He may not be Travis Kelce but he can get the job done. Good catch!! And good pass. Bailey not doing too bad of a job.
Why why why will this idiot not blitz this qb?
Because he knows he may run for 25 yards. That TD was on the DB who gave half ass effort staying with the receiver.

The Cards secondary is in shambles with all the missing players. Brohm has to end the game with the ball. We cannot punt.
Because he knows he may run for 25 yards. That TD was on the DB who gave half ass effort staying with the receiver.

The Cards secondary is in shambles with all the missing players. Brohm has to end the game with the ball. We cannot punt.
The db was off balance. Quit giving this guy 5 seconds to throw
What the hell? He rushed right into his own lineman. Why do the Cards always have to sweat these 2 score leads in the 4th quarter? You just know it's going to happen. Drives me nuts.
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So GD typical. This game is a microcosm of the entire season. I'm glad the season is soon to be over.
I love that Jeff Brohm came home but he has a lot of flaws that he has to master if he wants to be more than an ex player coaching his old team.

We had to keep the ball and run clock and maybe doing something unpredictable should have been in order?
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We just. Can’t count on our defense. They just can’t make a play when we need a play to be made. We need at change up and down the defensive staff. Not just Ron English.
How ironic is it that we make some freshman turn into Lamar Jackson?

It's a miracle Louisville won as many games as they have. Everything is against them. It never seems to fail. The other team makes incredible plays while we make ignorant ones.
😲 That interference call was probably as bad as any all year
We sit here and watch these refs not throw flags for the entire game and then they throw one for pass interference.

How can anyone not agree we are cursed?

Shit just keeps happening over and over and over. It's the Twilight Zone.