Rumors of Fight At Practice?

shadow force

Jun 8, 2010
Rumors going around social media of a fight at practice or something similar?
Twitter reports claiming Payne got into an altercation with a player, possibly Koron Davis. Not really buying it; can’t see Payne having that level of physical activity in him. 😏
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Well with the way he looked at Johnson when he took him out while saying “Come on man!” It wouldn’t surprise me players having trouble interacting with KP. It was a pretty disparaging look he gave.
Why would you want Danny Manning as interim Head Coach? He didn’t do a very good job when he was a Head Coach.
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This situation with UL’s Men’s BB Program is at a level where there must be intervention quickly.
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Well…KP ALWAYS asks his players for more fight! Maybe one of them decided to take him up on it?

Either way, this story needs further investigation. I sadly admit that I hope it’s true and this could blissfully be the beginning of the end for this fiasco.
the men's team reminds of the Oceangate submarine.
so many warnings and hull is about to breach due to immense pressure
Haven't even heard of this mentioned on local sports talk today.. Probably something to it but not much of a big deal. I think most people (myself included) were just running with it hoping there was enough to it to sink the KP ship so we can move on..
True or not, nothing changes. I’m just not gonna go through another season like last year. KP just sucks all of the oxygen out of this program. So tired of hearing this man speak. Tired of the player blaming, the nonsensical excuses for what’s wrong and tired of long dark winter after football is over.

And, to Bridgeman, Beard, Eaves, Maybin and the rest of the KP Mafia….you guys got the Black coach you wanted, but at what cost. Clearly, race matters far more to you than our MBB program. Own it!
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Sweet Baby Jeebus, please let this be true. A physical altercation with a student athlete would absolutely be reason to fire him with cause.

And no buyout. 🍀🤞🍀🤞🍀🤞
I doubt KP got in a legit fight with a player in today’s environment that would have have been acted on. Players mental health etc. Now did KP potentially get in a players face rip them then the player got physically with KP that I could believe.

Fights aren’t the issue. They are common in competitive environments. Hell I had a coach get into with a team mate on the road. It happens. The issue is they can’t generate any good vibes in this program. It is all negative. Winning is the only cure and not many think that is possible.
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