The permanent feature of a fan base to whom history means an inordinate amount is their resentment over our progress as a football program. In order to salvage self-respect in the face of the purest horror as the modern series began, it was necessary to bring up the series beginnings back when 3 Fingers Yarmi played against the Lexington YMCA and House of David. In the sack of fears UK fans had as UofL began taking over, slowly but inexorably, was the spectre of falling into second place as the "flagship U" of our fair state. That they have fallen to #3 and bordered on less than that last season is moot, in this discussion.There's quite a few football only fans on there. But everything you said is pretty spot on.
Desperation has completely set in as a now-permanent UK fan image - denial, absurdities of conspircacies, lol, and now taking issue with UofL's "bogus academics" as Charlie graduated 94 of 97 recruits, Louisville's APR absolutely dwarfing their numbers and UofL producing more Fulbright Scholars than the rest of the state's schools combined don't factor in. The strangeness of a program who have dotted the "i's" and crossed the "t's" in order to elevate their conference affiliation as we perceived was demanded impacts against an opaque window of misunderstanding. Instead, we see reams of resentment and churlish hatred as they swing their arms and epithets at the fantasy objects in their collective windshields, missing the entire point.
Their urge to dominate Louisville is having some major mechanical problems. Frankly, pretty much all they have left is simply the urge. The execution is hilariously lacking.
It's like teaching Johnny to swim by throwing him in the water - at 55 years old.