1st Bush didn't give a bail out and then restructure GM to send jobs to China like Obama.
2nd the thing that caused GM problems was the high price of union labor ( a democrat special interest group ).
3rd Matt Bevin and Scott Walker aren't eliminating jobs they are creating more jobs. There are now 28 states that are right to work states and there is a current law suit in court right now that could make all states right to work. These lawsuits are being filed by current union members who don't want to be forced in the union.
4th Bush gave a loan Obama gave a bail out, GM still owes 26 billion dollars that they say they will never pay back.
5th it is funny how you all are against corporate tax breaks but you support a bail out that will amount to 63 billion total for GM.
6th if you invest in the stock market that is a risk you take you shouldn't expect the taxpayers to bail you out. They should have let GM fail it would have been bought out by another company and would have been a better company.
You really need to pick a side and stick with it, because you're talking out of both sides of your mouth. Also, if you're responding to me - stick to what I've said.
Are you a free market capitalist and for corporations (like GM) maximizing share holder profits or, are you for jobs for American workers? If your the former - then you're ok with them moving jobs to save on costs.
You're ok with tax breaks for companies IF they create jobs and more tax revenue for the government but, you're against the government stepping in to save the US auto industry, and the millions of jobs associated with it - and all of the tax dollars that it creates in the long term?
In no particular order...
1. I am not against corporate tax breaks provided they work out in some term for the good of the tax payer.
2. There are a multitude of things that caused problems with GM - including shitty cars, too many brands / duplication, mismanagement and a failure to adapt to the consumers changing demands. Pinning it all on union labor costs is an inaccurate and frankly, lazy opinion. Not bailing them out could have resulted in another company buying them - probably a foreign company that would have shipped the majority of the jobs outside of the US. Then you'd be bitching about how "Obama killed the US auto industry".
3. Most estimates put the auto bailout payments still owed at about 10 billion. That's a lot of money but a small fraction of what the cost would have been to the country if we let it fail. Consider it a tax break.
4. I never mentioned bevin or walker. I absolutely think that bevin is an idiot an partisan hack but, that is a different show.