ND strands 2. 1/2 inning in. Gongora looks shaky at best..
UofL must lead the country in HRs allowed. Good grief. Also, you move Hoy to the 9th spot? WTH? Why not move Benson down since he’s been struggling. Another head scratcher.
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We have too many hackers at the plate. McCoy, EKjr, Napleton - every swing (98%) is a HR swing. On occasion it works; but, swinging into the pitch and driving the ball reduces SOs. Can add Benson into that group - he’s just swinging away; same swing, every pitch.
It's been a bad year but the crowd for this twinbill is disappointing. Couldn't ask for better weather. It doesn't that the help the CJ ignores the baseball team. More than a few folks still read the local rag. At least the digital edition anyway.
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Thursday afternoon - I wouldn’t have expected many people. Hopefully the crowd comes in for game 2. Glad the hellava coach Snider told Rose to slide. 😠 Not sure he could have gotten there l, but still…
ND scouted well. Napleton hasn't thrown to 3rd with any accuracy all year. Actually, you could say he really hasn't thrown lasers to first either.
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Terrible execution in the bottom of the 8th. Just plain bad.
Finally. HRs are great EKjr, but, that hit to right is ‘batting’. Great hit.
Great start to game 2. Be son steals 2d and then immediately gets picked off. He is a damn Sr. Plain terrible between him AND the coaches.
Cards take Game 2. I think a sweep is a MUST to keep any post-season hopes alive.
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Well D1 Baseball's May 15th projection does not have the Cards even in the final four out. Might have to win our pod in the ACC tournament.
Yeah kinda where I see us. Crapped the bed @ Vandy and NC and are in the battle of their lives to salvage something from this season other than disappointment.
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Does anyone truly believe this team deserves a tournament spot? I know as fans we want them in, but have they earned it?

And does anyone really believe we would win a game?

The only question I'm really interested in is will Coach Mac be back? This season is shot and getting blown out in two tournament games I'm not so interested in.

The baseball program is at a crossroads, similar to football in Petrino's final season and the men's hoops team today. The big difference is Coach McDonnell who I believe is capable of making the necessary adjustments, but maybe not willing to do so.
Oh yes, I agree noise will have to be made in the ACCT to have even a chance to get in. I would rather they get in and lose than not get in.
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Does anyone truly believe this team deserves a tournament spot? I know as fans we want them in, but have they earned it?

And does anyone really believe we would win a game?

The only question I'm really interested in is will Coach Mac be back? This season is shot and getting blown out in two tournament games I'm not so interested in.

The baseball program is at a crossroads, similar to football in Petrino's final season and the men's hoops team today. The big difference is Coach McDonnell who I believe is capable of making the necessary adjustments, but maybe not willing to do so.
I personally hope that Mac will be back. He's earned some leeway with his past successes, just look at his resume. Its not the same as our recent basketball or even football coach changes. Now is Coach Mac willing to make changes in his staff (namely Williams) might be the real question. There has to be some changes, either a shakeup in the coaching staff or roster....
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Williams has been with Mac since Day 1 and has put more than a few guys into the Majors although not recently. I just don't see Mac whacking Williams and I would not expect much if any push back from Josh.
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Williams has been with Mac since Day 1 and has put more than a few guys into the Majors although not recently. I just don't see Mac whacking Williams and I would not expect much if any push back from Josh.
Yeah I think they need to get together and figure out who's not able to handle the ACC stage that might be too big for some and make some hard decisions. I just hope the young fielders that aren't playing hang in there.
Geez. HR, Double, wild pitch, walk. Good freaking lord. What has happened to Campbell? He was a guy who I thought was the most reliable guy from the pen early on and he just struggled so much over the last month and half.
Louisville has to be on the top 5 in the country (or bottom 5 based on how look at it) in batters hit and walks given up. 💩💩💩💩💩
Sweep needed and sweep accomplished. Keeps ND out of the ACCT - they deserve after the crap they pulled at their place last year. Let’s hope for a good seeding and a first game win.
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ND probably still in ACCT - they hold the head to head tiebreakers with both Pitt and Boston College.
I really think we'll know which way this goes with this team in about 5 days.
It was reiterated by Mac and Moth post game that if certain individuals perform to their capabilities that there is enough offense to make a run. I really think with the elimination mindset we could see some veteran pitchers snap to. Not all but there are already guys that have gotten it going.

We'll see when the competition gets ratcheted up around Tuesday or Wednesday. We should know if there's gonna be enough in the bullpen to handle any kind of deep run.
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I really think we'll know which way this goes with this team in about 5 days.
It was reiterated by Mac and Moth post game that if certain individuals perform to their capabilities that there is enough offense to make a run. I really think with the elimination mindset we could see some veteran pitchers snap to. Not all but there are already guys that have gotten it going.

We'll see when the competition gets ratcheted up around Tuesday or Wednesday. We should know if there's gonna be enough in the bullpen to handle any kind of deep run.
There have been brief periods this season where individuals performed at levels that would suggest that some post season success might be a possibility. The problem is the inconsistency. EK Jr services as an example, as early on many of us questioned his contribution was worthy of a starting role. Here of late, he appears to be stepping up to his projected ability.

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