

Four-Star Poster
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Anyone know Bobby’s status? Good to see Keirnan and McAvene pitch. How about Smiddy?
Smiddy pitched the last 2 outs I think. Don't know what is going on with Miller.
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I didn’t see the very end of the game so if Smiddy pitches that’s good.
Really curious to see what happens this weekend with Sunday. I saw Miller pitch a couple of weeks ago,so I think he's fine. I've thought since I heard Hoeing would be the Sunday guy,that Coach was making that move to honor the senior. We'll see what's in store...
For the success of the team...if Hoeing can be the Sunday guy that really makes the pen that much deeper. If Smith can lock down the single game mid-week spot Miller can be that guy who pitches for multiple innings on a Fri, Sat or Sun.
Coach Mac alluded to Hoeing's success out of the pen last season in his presser a couple of weeks ago. He also stated that he thought the senior deserved a shot at the weekend rotation. I agree that if it works out for Hoeing on Sundays,it would be great for the team.
He hit a wall Sunday in that inning with the grand slam. His niche might still be middle relief.
Either way,I think it will be ironed out before conference play starts.
It's still not Miller time. Detmers, Bennett, and Hoeing are the scheduled starters this weekend.
I saw a post in the Collision Course referring to Miller’s off-season surgery and that he isn’t quite ready yet. Any truth for that? Not saying it was made up of course but sometimes there are rumors.
I saw a post in the Collision Course referring to Miller’s off-season surgery and that he isn’t quite ready yet. Any truth for that? Not saying it was made up of course but sometimes there are rumors.
I have no idea. I did see him pitch this Spring,and CM did not say anything about it during his presser,but maybe he's just coming along slowly if it's true.
We might get some answers in the next few weekends...hopefully.
I talked to Miller's dad today at the game. He is a regular that comes in for the weekend games. Btw,we're warming our toes between games.
Bobby did not have surgery and is fine. What I took away is that there has been a decision by the coaching staff that Miller will be needed more as a closer.
His dad seems to think that it's the way it's gonna be.
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Miller pitches 4 shutout innings in middle relief in the 2nd game tonight. He gave the Cards a chance to claw back in this one after falling behind 4-2.
Bobby had 8 k's in the 12 batters that he faced.
Cards comeback to win in 10 on Lavey's walk off 5-4. Happy for 16,
Miller is legit. He is really does a nice job staying low in the zone. He has 3 quality pitches. He is a great middle reliever option,

The pitching staff is the least of my worries. This team, always tough to hit in cold weather, issue is hitting. I am not impressed with anyone other than Wyatt. He is the only guy that I trust to consistently have a good at bat. There doesn't appear to be much legit power on this team either. Still early, but man it looks like they are going to have to win a bunch of 3-2 and 2-1 type games.
After watching this pitching staff for the past 2 weeks or so,gotta say that the idea of making Miller a bullpen specialist is growing on me..I know that his camp has resisted,but his versatility out of the pen,either as a middle guy or a closer(which I got to see up close today) is making me see why the coaches make the big bucks.

He was spectacular again today,closing out a stubborn JM team trying to keep from being swept. Hoeing makes the decision easier as well if he's able to throw his slider in the zone. Great 1-2 punch today from those 2 guys.
Hoeing worries me, he appears to have good stuff but man the bat meets the ball a bunch when he is pitching, When you are throwing 92-94 with a good slider and still getting hit your fastball isn't moving enough or you just aren't spotting it.

The good news is if he falters in that spot you got a bunch of options. I can't think of the kids name from Frida, but he was hitting 93-95 with a nasty slider.

This is the best staff top to bottom they have ever had. They start hitting they are a legit contender.
Hoeing's problem,to me,in the past has only been able to throw that fastball for a strike. He has relied on it too much.The scouting report is out and if he plays to that report,he's toast.Of course his location of that fastball needs to be widened as well.
The Hoeing I saw yesterday after a rough start,was mixing it up,throwing strikes with his slider. He needs a changeup to be really effective,but we need him to be able to get into the middle of the game.
Make no mistake though, Miller's flexibility makes him as valuable as anybody else we have on the staff.
I'm worried about this kid a bit. The rumblings are legit,so it seems.
He looked more comfortable as a middle guy than as a closer. He just doesn't seem to embrace it. Idk,but the talent is there.
Sloppy, trying to over power hitters instead of hitting spots. He is consistently 94-96 last year low 90's as a starter with great control not much good about his performances lately.
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Miller back where he ended last season after winning the job halfway thru. Very happy for the young man. I think Hoeing contributes to the team's success out of the pen. He was good there last season. Look for Perkins to be the other late closer along with McAvene.
Your assuming Miller finds his groove, he went down hill late last year which has continued into this year. We will see. They had to make a move Hoeing was not very good, Perkins could end up a starter before we know it,
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he went down hill late last year
He did? He got dinged up by Florida St pretty good,but still finished 6-1 with a 3 era. Hell,he was a Freshman that won the job over the course of the season. It's not hard to see what happened. Mac gave Hoeing the shot there because he came back and he's a senior.
True,Miller's lost his confidence. I'll be rootin for him,just like I rooted for Bryan.
Gotta say it though...I wish Miller could have thrown one pitch in the eighth so he could have gotten the ovation from the crowd that he deserved. :confused:
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