Brink needs to read cap his play calls. There is little o no logic. Just this possession, Brown makes a long catch and run. He gets up banged up, so why calls a running play up the middle by Brown???
Cards are simply out schemed and out coached by SMU. The timing of plays both on offense and defense has been better with the SMU staff.

If not for the Mustangs obviously poor secondary play, they have played a perfect game. Cards haven't been able to take anything away from SMU.

I think the SMU coach will be moving on from Texas after this season. I'm very impressed.

As for Jeff Brohm, he's just a little bit inconsistent, but he's been a bit unlucky with the breaks as well.

I still believe the two scrimmages followed by a bye week, really put this team behind. For a contrast, a team like SMU played BYU and TCU within the first three weeks of the season.
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The way it's going, SMU would have made a 65 yard FG. They are simply performing better in all phases of the game. There's no fluke plays or horrible officiating negating a victory for the Cards in this game.

It's halftime and the Cards have to do something different on defense, or hope SMU runs out of gas, or we fans are facing another disappointing season with high hopes.
This kid is Pat White reincarnated. Why we played fast to give him more time is a head scratcher.
Not really. That's our offense. We can't go Rutgers against them and expect to win. If we can't stop SMU from doing what they want, we have no chance against Miami or Clemson.
I really donn't understand why no passes to the TE's yet this game, no screens to throw off the pass rush, no draw plays, and the O line is getting beat in the trenches again this week.

And much to my chagrin, we look slow afoot not playing without much aggression or passion.

WTH is going on today?
Brohm should be packing up Ron English’s shit at half time. Worse defense we have seen for awhile.
I thought they made a good adjustment and started playing faster and more physical. However, the SMU QB has just been too good. Cards have been close to getting him, but he just runs away. He looks like a short Lamar Jackson out there.

Cards may need to blitz massively to create a negative play or two and gamble they don't get burned. They may as well because it's not working what they've been doing.

On offense there should be a sense of urgency, especially on this opening drive of the 2nd half. Brohm needs a fast score, a big play. If we go 3 and out and punt it may already be over.

I think the Cards best chance to come back and win is to wear down SMU in the 4th quarter and continue to stress them to perform perfectly. This can only work if we stop kicking FG's and get TD's.
Big play coming if we get it in it would be a real big boost for us. If they hold us at 4th and 1 at the goal line could crush us.
Why not sneak it? Spread out like you're not going to sneak and then have Shough move up to the center like he's changing the play and then sneak it? Have the fullback push him.

Does Louisville lead the nation in 4th and 1's?
It's just unbelievable. This guy looks like Lamar then he looks like Mahomes. This is what Cards fans were hoping Clarkson was going to be here.

Has to be the best performance from a QB against Louisville since Pat White. I have to reiterate that the play calling by SMU and the scheme has also been perfect.
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Not really. That's our offense. We can't go Rutgers against them and expect to win. If we can't stop SMU from doing what they want, we have no chance against Miami or Clemson.
Agree to disagree. We can and should go slow when it's strategically appropriate. End of half clock management would have saved us 3 pts. Just a little disappointed in coaching details, but not overly critical. I can't imagine the pressure on the sideline decision making in light of what they put in day to day.
Yes, when it's strategic but that wasn't to start the half. But I get what you're saying, especially in the 4th quarter.
Shough to Brooks TD for Cards we have already scored more TD’s in the 2nd half then we did in the first. Keep it rolling and defense keep making stops.
We have been successful going off right tackle I wonder if SMU will make adjustments if not keep running there. I am glad to see we are spreading the field there is a lot of opportunity there.
What is Brohm doing? It's maddening! Brown has been running his ass off and Brohm gives the ball to Chaney twice in a roll?

And why up the middle where the defense is? I just don't get it. It makes no sense whatsoever. Louisville has not had a great playcaller since Petrino 1.0.

Didn't Brohm learn anything from last week? Apparently not! He just gave over the momentum. I swear I'll never understand football coaches.
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