Surely y'all didn't think you would get respect from espn by joining the ACC? Have you never heard them talk about the ACC?
UofL would place #5 in NFL drafted players in the SEC the last 15 years.
The one thing that unites the ACC is the distain we have for the love fest from the media towards the SEC...Bama is great...the rest of that league not so much in 2016
And, in addition, the $ec, other than Alabama, has been sinking for the past few years. The ACC's success in recruting the south is the major contributing factor in this success. Plus the ACC has some outstanding coaches like, Fisher, Richt, Sweeney and Petrino just to name a few. I believe the day of $ec dominance is pretty much over as their fans have run off good coaches like Richt and now Miles.
GO CARDS - BEAT EVERYBODY!!! God Bless America!!!
I agree that we won't see another QB like Jackson any time soon, and that FSU and Clemson have huge recruiting advantages. But I don't think they are giving Petrino our the Louisville program enough credit.
This is along the lines of what I was saying as well, but CardLaw bit my head off. Glad most people can see the points we are posting. The $EC was brought up because E$PN shoves it down our throats...they don't have to mention it by name to see what they are doing.
Well I sure wouldn't let CardLaw bother me if I were you. He is nothing more than a know nothing blowhard that makes unsuccessful attempts trying to prove how much he knows. Yes, his favorite team, Alabama is very good and ranked number one but they have some pretty tough games coming up down the road. If we are successful this coming Saturday and they stumble down the road we'll be in a position to be number one for the first tune ever. Actually I like Clemson more than I do Alabama just because of outstanding quarterback play. Plus that goes for UofL also. Of course, there's Ohio State too.
GO CARDS - BEAT EVERYBODY!!! God Bless America!!!
He also said if we beat Clemson he would have to make us number 1. What does that not wit really no about our program.....absolutely nothing.I'm saying that he's honest in freely admitting that he's an SEC and Bama homer. He freely admits that. After UofL beat FSU he was asked about how he was going to vote UofL. I'm paraphrasing, but he basically said "UofL is more impressive than anyone right now. They beat FSU badly, and Bama had to come back on a team (ole Miss) that FSU had already beaten. But I am who I am and I'm voting Bama #1 until someone beats them."
Being Honest doesn't mean you're right. Finebaum is honest though. He doesn't hide his allegiance and try to act neutral.
The one thing that unites the ACC is the distain we have for the love fest from the media towards the SEC...Bama is great...the rest of that league not so much in 2016
Finebaum can hear a fart on mars with those mutant sized ears of his.
This is along the lines of what I was saying as well, but CardLaw bit my head off. Glad most people can see the points we are posting. The $EC was brought up because E$PN shoves it down our throats...they don't have to mention it by name to see what they are doing.
The only post of yours I can find that I responded to was your post suggesting that somehow there is a panic that the SEC East is suddenly down. What I said, and what gocds said, is that the decline has been evident for years. The East has been bad since 2008. Kind of funny to see you agreeing with a post that says what I said in "biting" you head off.
Nevertheless, I go back to my original point - I think you guys just want to be insulted. All that was said in the video is that UL's current success - vis a vis FSU and Clemson - is not something that is going to continue in perpetuity. And they are right - just like FSU's dominance over UL did not continue in perpetuity.
There is a mild panic at the SEC/ESPN. The SEC East is down, and has been going down and this year is absolutely abysmal. How can they spoon feed us the usual "SEC is Best" when their product is obviously defective...but they do it anyway....hence the jumping all over Tennessee's bandwagon. They don't have to mention the SEC by name to see and hear what they are talking about. That was my whole point. You obviously didn't see it or comprehend it when you read it.
I "liked' your post because it made me chuckle. You seem to like to attack folks around here and now I guess my turn is here. That's cool. I don't know how big of UofL fan you really are but your shtick is cute. If you really need a hug, I'm here for ya big fella. ;-)
Go Cards! Roll Tide??
John Clayton could kick Finebaum's ass.
I saw your point, I comprehended it, and I thought it foolish. No one is in panic mode because no one thinks Florida, Georgia or Tennessee are on their football death beds. They have been down for a few years; they'll be back. It is no different from Alabama being down for a few years or, for that matter, Michigan or USC or FSU. It is not a big deal. It doesn't diminish the fact that the SEC has won something like 8 of the last 10 championships (or something like that) and most years wins about 7 or 8 bowl games. If you want to have the respect the media heaps on the SEC, win like the SEC. As much as you guys hate seeing the "praise" given to the SEC (which this particular video did not do), it gets older for the rest of us listening to the losers whining that the winner is getting too much credit.
You still grumpy? That hug is still here Sunshine. Anytime. Roll Cards!
What is this fixation you have over "grumpy"? It's weird. Kinda creepy, really. I have this sort of "Aqualung" image of you.
What is this fixation you have over "grumpy"? It's weird. Kinda creepy, really. I have this sort of "Aqualung" image of you.
Why don't you just go ahead a pull for your team and think it is the greatest team ever in college football with a deep rich history. Your coach, who will be here forever, is the finest gentleman of all time who never ever considered or did anything even remotely questionable. And, if it helps, the SEC could not compete against Kentucky high school football. Go ahead. All yours.