Kentucky and ACC/SEC.

No doubt they are best team this year, but not unbeatable. I remember they played UNC...That is why I said AT UNC. Plus UK played Kansas and UNC early in the season when they were not very good. UNC struggled a lot early in the year. Kansas also lost to Temple by 27.
i can bet if u k wanted to join the acc there would be bloody murder screamed and teams defecting. it is what it is. the conference may suck with e1 bailing but uk would own the conference. dont agree? let duke and n.c. join sec. yeah itsjust that. north carolina is about to get a penalty they wont recover from for 7 years. lmao you already know louisville sucks. carolina is corrupt. whats your next argument
The SEC would pay dearly to keep LPT there.

The only school that has a basketball team better than hot garbage. And a guaranteed football win for everyone else.

"Elite program", my a$$...
It will always be this way Zipp. The states like Florida, South Carolina, Alabama, and Georgia have one true love: football. Every once in a while something odd might occur and Florida or LSU will make the Final Four, but a week after the tournament, hell, a day after the tournament, it is on to spring football. Basketball is more of a Midwest/Mid-Atlantic thing. I would venture to say most Alabamans like college basketball as much as they like hockey.
"you already know louisville sucks"

What a stupid inbred blueneck! Four sweet 16's, 2 (possibly 3 depending on this year) final fours, and a more recent national championship then SuCkS in the last four years alone. And all done without 27 McD's burger boys. What that shows is your coach sucks! The coach that will always be known as a cheater that does less with more. And I know you don't want to talk about any other sports as I'm sure you probably don't even know uk plays any other sports. Did you just see the National Champion swimmer for UL? How about back to back trips to Omaha in baseball with another top 10 team this year? No? The UL WBB with multiple final fours and championship game appearances? The only thing that sucks is pay pal cal sucking wes for a bunch of players he underachieves with. Now get to stepping uklown! At least talk with a little sense if you plan on having a decent conversation. Otherwise you are just going to get railroaded!
I notice you didn't question UConn finishing 9th. Cal simply has been outcoached in the majority of his season ending losses. The facts posted are not lies. As usual UK fans remember things a little differently than the rest of us. Just get off our site. I've never seen a fan base more involved in what their opposition us doing. UK is winning games, but it's how they do it that makes the rest of college fans question their every move. You can't insult and scream your way into being respected. Cal has had some 20 plus AA's come to play in their barn and every player who has questions out there end up in Lexington. Just because KY hasn't been penalized doesn't mean they are cheating. They get probations every decade and they are due. UK fans like to say that they don't have to cheat to win. My response to that is yes they do have some history of winning and some advantages, but they do cheat and they always have in spite of their advanteges. They jyst can't help it. N

"You can get anything you want at KY, and I mean anything".
Once again Briggs, Louisville has not only been on probation more than Kentucky, they were on it 2 times in the 90s. UK basketball has not been in trouble in over 25 years genius. Man you lie constantly. What does it matter with 9th place UConn? They won the big east tournament and won the national championship. We lost to the national champs while you lost to Morehead that year and you want to insult us when we made the final four?

Just because Louisville fans are sore losers does not mean we are cheating. Prove it. If we were cheating a quarter of the amount you guys think we do it would be impossible to get away with. You make WWW and Nike to be conspiring to get you.

The simple fact of the matter is while you guys are on probably the best run in your history, UK is still doing better. So you delude yourself into believing conspiracy theories.

Its funny Pitino blamed Nike for your sub par recruiting and you guys bought it hook line and sinker. He made it up to have an excuse. You guys are so gullible.
Yeah, I am sure Cal is all of a sudden playing it straight.

His track record be damned the man is clean! He's born again! Washed his sins!

Originally posted by Briggsky:
I notice you didn't question UConn finishing 9th. Cal simply has been outcoached in the majority of his season ending losses. The facts posted are not lies. As usual UK fans remember things a little differently than the rest of us. Just get off our site. I've never seen a fan base more involved in what their opposition us doing. UK is winning games, but it's how they do it that makes the rest of college fans question their every move. You can't insult and scream your way into being respected. Cal has had some 20 plus AA's come to play in their barn and every player who has questions out there end up in Lexington. Just because KY hasn't been penalized doesn't mean they are cheating. They get probations every decade and they are due. UK fans like to say that they don't have to cheat to win. My response to that is yes they do have some history of winning and some advantages, but they do cheat and they always have in spite of their advanteges. They jyst can't help it. N

"You can get anything you want at KY, and I mean anything".
Of course UConn finished 9th. They also beat Tom Izzo and Billy Donovan on their way to the title. Florida had a much better team than Kentucky last year, was ranked #1 overall, and lost to UConn by more. Michigan State was ranked 11th in the nation when they played UConn. Would you also argue that Izzo and Donovan were outcoached as well? UConn and Kentucky both overachieved from their regular seasons, and UConn won in the end, simple as that.
The SEC has performed as expected to this point. They have beaten every team seeded lower than them, and lost to every team seeded higher than them. Would UK have a loss or multiple losses if they were in the ACC, probably. But as much as that statement is a hypothetical, an objective look at what has transpired would admit that LSU choked (yes they lost, period, I know) against NC State and had the game won. Every team the SEC has lost to went on and made the Sweet 16 and has a very good chance to advance. The SEC is a good basketball conference. The ACC is a great (the best) basketball conference. To go undefeated in a good basketball conference is praiseworthy. To go undefeated in a great conference is extraordinary. To go undefeated through the entire season and throughout the tournament would be miraculous. Notre Dame may have their chance to prove whatever point their fan is trying to make on Saturday if UK and ND take care of business. I know UK won't be thinking about representing the SEC as priority #1 if it comes to that, but I guess ND fans might be regarding the ACC.

This post was edited on 3/26 10:44 AM by TheBigBluePrint
KY has six probations in It's history. Name the season that UL was forbidden to play. The probations you talk about involved two different players and single incidents for both.
The KY probation you fail to remember involved 90's incidents that ended up having 17 major infractions, including cash, improper recruiting and a UK player sitting in to take a test for another recruit for entrance in an ACT test. It made the front cover of Sports Illustrated calling it KY's shane and ended up with UK receiving a three year probation that sat UK out of the NCAA's for three successive years. One of the probations for UL involved one player and he sat for six games because an assistant leant a player father money for two weeks in the worst motel in Louisville, Again that involved sitting out a few games, The other reported incident involved a single plater and the use of a car. It was recended because a local writer had bad info. UL went to court because the facts were incorrect.

UK's 1950's incident ended with UK being banned from playing any games for an entire season. It also resulted in all of UK's other sports not being able to participate in any post season play for an entire season. The infractions involved point shaving, cars, players taking money from fans and admitting that Rupp actually bringing up point soreads in team meetings. Two players actually admitted basically not going to class for an entire season. Several UK players were banned from the NBA for life.

Actually UK's latest football probation involved 25 players and "at least 37 major infractions involving players and recruits" and resulted in a three year ban from post season play in the early 2000's. UK actually had more than four times as many major infractions in each of these incidents than UL has had in it's total existence as an NCAA member. And that's only mentioning three of the probations UK has had in it's time. If you want to go into the other three UK infractions we can do that too. With the two UL we are talking about improper use of an Explorer and ownership of a six year old Honda. The last three traffic incidents for Čal's players involved two Toyota Land Cruisers and an Escalade. As Rex Chapman recently said. You don't want to go there if you are a UK fan, after Ware's ticket.

I do admit that this bunch of UK players is are pretty decent guys, but many of the others actually were a pretty bad bunch. But any comparison of the total infractions is really just a total embarrassment. I still wonder why UK fans have so little knowledge of UK's own history. It is simply amazing how selective their memories are. I guarantee that for every infraction you name for UL, I can specifically name ten for KY. Quit believing the crap that you are fed with the latest bull about UL having more violations. Your latest statement it absolutely false and you should apoligize. When it comes to major infractions, years of probations and public humiliation, UK is absolutely the king.
That's my issue as well. I actually think the players seem like decent kids, but I can't root for them because of the absolutely vile and disgusting fan base and the slimy coach.
Briggs, Don't start using fact's! You know facts have no place on a message board! At least we won't see that loser around for a while.

"The simple fact of the matter is while you guys are on probably the best run in your history, UK is still doing better."

Lets see uklown. During the time of this "run" you speak of, UL has 4 sweet 16's, 2 final fours with a possible 3rd this year, and a more recent National Championship. uk has 3 of 4 sweet 16's, 2 final fours with a possible 3rd this year, 1 title, and 1 NIT first round loss to Bobby Morris. I would say anyone with half a brain would take what UL has done over what uk has done. Everyday and twice on Sunday! Oh, and UL did it with about 24 less burger boys! Cal will always be a known cheater that does less with more. Unless you don't want to use the facts. In that case, fire away with your bs. It can be entertaining at times...
Originally posted by baseball32fan:
Originally posted by lwbb:
Well i think the red birds will start the tears flowing today ...
I'll take a bet on that lwbb. We don't play today Mr. Know-It-All. We play Friday
The sUcKbutt posted that Sunday before we gave Northern Iowa a beating. Probably safe to assume he gave his dog a good beating later that same night when Trez threw down that game clinching slam.
I still stick tot he fact UK hasn't played a real good team in about 3 months. Even though that UL team wasn't really great especially in Dec. The SEC was really weak again this year even more so with Florida being down. Arkansas was an okay team I guess but, just okay UK's first 2 games in the NCAA's were against Hampton and a Cincy team they didn't win the AAC. That's why besides of course the UL games the only thing I want to see if when UK plays a really solid or good team. Like an Zona, Wisky what happens. WVU tonight was okay this year but again not anything great...double digit losses and was swept by Baylor and Iowa State so I expect them to win. I think after this round UK could get tests in the elite 8 and Final Four games but, not tonight.
Hard to estimate just how much you weight a first-round NIT loss to anyone. Has U of L EVER had one of those?

IMO, that sort of ignominy would at least offset a Final Four, if not a championship. I know I won't forget about the 2013 LPT team in my lifetime although I'm sure I'll forget about a Final Four they make.

The slapd!cks are always setting a record for something.

"Elite program", my a$$...
I guarantee you will never, ever forget last years Louisville defeat by the hands of the 8 seeded 2014 Cats on their way to the Final Four and beyond. You will never forget how it felt when Harrison hit that three for the go ahead. You will probably remember that the NIT Cats lost to the UL Champs by three on their home court if you try really hard, because that's the only win the Cards have had against UK while Cal has been there. Chew on that one bub. Selective memory is useful for the objectively inept. Try to think of some valid response other than a remark about post counts.
Originally posted by TheBigBluePrint:
I guarantee you will never, ever forget last years Louisville defeat by the hands of the 8 seeded 2014 Cats on their way to the Final Four and beyond. You will never forget how it felt when Harrison hit that three for the go ahead. You will probably remember that the NIT Cats lost to the UL Champs by three on their home court if you try really hard, because that's the only win the Cards have had against UK while Cal has been there. Chew on that one bub. Selective memory is useful for the objectively inept. Try to think of some valid response other than a remark about post counts.
Actually most sane, normal people do pretty much forget it after a day or so because we have lives outside the local college bayskeetbawl team. You fools on the other hand beat your wives, kick your dogs and otherwise become despondent and suicidal over a loss. See these remarks didn't even mention your post count.
You haven't forgotten sweatheart, stop lying. People with a memory can live normal lives. But people who act like they don't remember are simply lying and denying. And you did mention my post count by "not mentioning it." Another angry card.
Originally posted by TheBigBluePrint:
You haven't forgotten sweatheart, stop lying. People with a memory can live normal lives. But people who act like they don't remember are simply lying and denying. And you did mention my post count by "not mentioning it." Another angry card.
Ok Cleatus, tell us what a "sweatheart" is? Of course we remember; it just doesn't consume us like it does you rubes, "sweatheart".
Originally posted by TheBigBluePrint:
I guarantee you will never, ever forget last years Louisville defeat by the hands of the 8 seeded 2014 Cats on their way to the Final Four and beyond. You will never forget how it felt when Harrison hit that three for the go ahead. You will probably remember that the NIT Cats lost to the UL Champs by three on their home court if you try really hard, because that's the only win the Cards have had against UK while Cal has been there. Chew on that one bub. Selective memory is useful for the objectively inept. Try to think of some valid response other than a remark about post counts.
LOL...UK = 1 sport school....after basketball you move on to football and we will not hear a peep out of you and the rest of you Bluenecks.
Ok Cleatus, tell us what a "sweatheart" is? Of course we remember; it just doesn't consume us like it does you rubes, "sweatheart".

Oh, you know Card Fan, you know!
Originally posted by TheBigBluePrint:
Ok, what is your point to the point I made?
Point is all you have is mens basketball, so has much as you would like to believe we don't worry too much about the loss to UK. We move on to our other sports...after basketball you have nothing else.
Originally posted by TheBigBluePrint:
Sure bud, point me to the swimming and tennis forum please.
What time do your women play in NCAA this week? How did UK do in world series last season? UK went to what bowl last year? Are these not the biggest sports behind mens basketball?
Originally posted by TheBigBluePrint:
You haven't forgotten sweatheart, stop lying. People with a memory can live normal lives. But people who act like they don't remember are simply lying and denying. And you did mention my post count by "not mentioning it." Another angry card.
Says one of the UKay fans that is constantly hanging out on the Louisville message
boards and going to all the trouble to keep re-registering with new

We know what school is in your head Gomer. Somebody cue Mr. Willie Nelson....."We are always on your mind"............
What time do your women play in NCAA this week? How did UK do in world series last season? UK went to what bowl last year? Are these not the biggest sports behind mens basketball?

Congrats your season lasted a little longer in all of those sports in which you lost badly, except for women's ball. I'm amazed at how easy you look to stray off topic (other sports) when this is a basketball forum, but the capacity for clear logic obviously escapes you.
Originally posted by TheBigBluePrint:
What time do your women play in NCAA this week? How did UK do in world series last season? UK went to what bowl last year? Are these not the biggest sports behind mens basketball?

Congrats your season lasted a little longer in all of those sports in which you lost badly, except for women's ball. I'm amazed at how easy you look to stray off topic (other sports) when this is a basketball forum, but the capacity for clear logic obviously escapes you.
Correct this is a basketball board...and the women are still playing basketball.
Originally posted by TheBigBluePrint:
Yep, look at the title of the topic thread. Keep straying.
Title thread KY and ACC/ the women play in different conf? I can stray because I have other sports to stray to...UK=1 sport
Yes UK came to within three that year. In terms of forgetting facts, you need to know that with 5:14 left in that game Rick pulled the three leading scorers and we had a 17 point lead. Again UK fans have that convenient memory and it never let's facts get in the way. UL would have won it all if we didn't have rules. Cal has absolutely none. We sent two players packing because of rules. Rick has no tolerance for weed. Since Cal came, no player has ever sat for even one game. So you want us to believe that not one player ever missed a class, or smoked or was driving while drunk at 2:00 in the morning on the day of the opening game and fled the scene.
I remember the game quite well. I remember coming back and losing by three, the starters weren't out that long. If I don't mention it, it doesn't mean that I don't remember. It's a mute point. Last year UL was up 16 on UK and UK won the game. Do you care that you were up by so and so at one point or that you simply lost the game? Make it convenient for YOU friend.
Originally posted by TheBigBluePrint:
I remember the game quite well. I remember coming back and losing by three, the starters weren't out that long. If I don't mention it, it doesn't mean that I don't remember. It's a mute point. Last year UL was up 16 on UK and UK won the game. Do you care that you were up by so and so at one point or that you simply lost the game? Make it convenient for YOU friend.
I remember last year's game very well.Luke was kicking Andrew Young's ass from here to next Sunday,got his second touch foul early and sat while the cats clawed back into the game.I didn't agree with keeping Luke out while that was happening,but hey...

Now,as for the second half,the Cards were up 7 with about 4 and change left when the cats made most of the plays late in that game while a few of our guys disappeared.

That's about how I remember it.
A few points to the "Bigot of the day" poster with the somewhat limited vocabulary. Saying a trip to the College World Series means nothing is just stupid. Having three trips in seven years is incredible. UL has hosted a continuing series of NCAA regionals and super regionals here. We have led in attendance every time against other sights. I can see why this short term memory poster would forget this, because UK has never even been to even ONE.

Winning a Fiesta, Sugar and Orange Bowl is obviously not important either to UK fans either. Again I understand how "selective memory guy" would not consider that important because UK has never won even one BCS Bowl or even been in one for that matter. And like all of our three national runners up in the last five years that you made fun of and last year's CWS appearance we lost the the eventual National Champions. That's not a case of us "going a little farther" but being there at the very end. According to ESPN's rating system we were voted a top 20 football program for the last decade and will be again in the newest decade when it's over. UK just finished a streak of going over three years without a single conference win and will go over five years without beating us.

UL has also earned the "College Athletic Program of the Year" within the last two years. This wasn't some freak thing because we beat the runner up to death. From our attendance for women's sports to baseball and all of our sports, we support all sports. UL has 527 scholar athletes who finished last year in the upper 2% of the NCAA in terms of honor roll students. Apparently UK only has 13 of it's total athletes that count and they don't even bother to graduate. This type of thinking from UK fans is exactly why UL has better facilities in virtually every sport venue. We've managed in 15 years to spend 600 million dollars to build and upgrade our facilities. Even our incredible baseball facility is expanding because of fan support.

My third point was a reference by "convenient memory guy" is that while this is a UL basketball site and we don't resort to other sports because we didn't happen to beat KY in the pre-season game or we might lose tonight. We take solice in the fact that we've won more games than virtually any other program and played every season up our potential by not having any double digit losing seasons while having four straight sweet sixteen seasons and no NIT stops. No KY fan that I know was happy with losing 23 games while having 10 different AA's on those teams. But the biggest difference is that we've done this while having rules and knowing we still put academics at the head of the list.

Remember that you are on OUR site which is strange when you come over to tell us what to talk about. You are the guest and as a guest you should behave and not come over here to tell lies. As usual UK fans seem to feel the need to come in here to let us know how good they are. I think their real point is to convince us that they are doing things the right way when their 70 history shows us that never has that happened. They are sacrificing scholarship and using questionable recruiting practices for simple wins and regardless of what they post here not one single UL fan isn't aware of what they actually do.

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