John Calipari blasted for postgame interview


Nov 18, 2001
Anyone who has watched Kentucky's men's basketball team play this season would likely say the Wildcats faced their toughest test of the season Saturday night.

Notre Dame played ridiculously well. The atmosphere was incredible. There were 20 lead changes. And, in the end, it took two free throws by Andrew Harrison and a closely-missed shot by Jerian Grant to give UK a 68-66 victory and a berth into the Final Four.

John Calipari disagrees, though. During a postgame interview with TBS, it was stated by the reporter that his team had just faced its most arduous obstacle. "No," Calipari replied. He said his team, 38-0, has been tested a lot this season. "We played poorly," he said.

This did not go over well with Notre Dame fans and, really, everyone not rooting for Kentucky.

Media members, fans and athletes all weighed in over Twitter to call Calipari "classless."
Petty, arrogant and disrespectfu. Par for the course. It never ends with him. He represents his fan base well. Mirror image. His day is coming.
"We played poorly"???

It was the most perfect a team from any program in any year has played in a regional final?? They did not miss a FG or FT in the final 10 minutes of the game.

My hat's off to them and that is amazing perfection in a heated, tense environment, but why would the coach who just witnessed the most perfect 10 minutes of basketball say we played poorly? Obviously, they played perfect for the final 25% of the contest. I thought it was the best they ever played, just a bizarre comment.
As you watched the game, cheering on Notre Dame and laughing as they got uncontested layups and dunk backs, and since you watch every UK game hoping they lose, surely you know no one has been that successful regarding easy points against UK's D all year. ND's game plan was flawless, and UK's defense did not play well against it. Besides Towns in the 2nd half, no one else for UK looked exceptional. ND missed their opportunities with some open 3's and surprisingly, UK was more efficient on offense in the final 6 minutes. The best team in your beloved ACC lost to a UK team that did not play well or at least far from their best game. Sometimes, a good team like Notre Dame makes you look bad, you ought to know. But it wasn't enough.
Last one to leave, first one in in the morning. Someone is obsessed.

*Look dude no matter what you say or how many times you say it, no one outside UK fans is going to give UK any respect. Anyone with any sense (which necessarily excludes you and your ilk) knows what's up. We aren't going to like you, respect you or agree with you as long as your Nike bag man is manning the sideline.
This post was edited on 3/29 8:14 AM by CardFan1130
Calipari is slimy human being and always has been. He doesn't know any other way. He only knows how to be an asshole and he is really good at it. His attitude has always turned me against him starting with his UMass days. He's only become more snide, arrogant, and petty as he's grown older. He is a total POS. Period.
The best team in the ACC. Blue is an idiot and daily comes on here for some hugs. How sad can he be? For a being with no understanding of the game and obviously no job, he's now the expert on the ACC. ND is really the third best team, because the best team is gone and the next best team is still in it. You simply can't make these guys up. The perfect team showed their weakness last night and almost lost. Regardless of who wins this thing, the attention as to how UK does thing is even more evident. I'll take our record any day, because I know how hard it's been for these guys who stick around and love Louisville. We'll see the loyalty holds up when the NBA draft comes around. It's ironic that every time UK has a good team the talk turns to the condition of the game today. As usual the player who has the most questions around him concerning recruitment and qualifications as a student is heading to KY. The old "win at any cost" philosophy is alive as it always has been. The great legand Cal got outcoached again with a team that had virtually no Burger Boys. He takes top ten talent and has them go into the top 25 in the draft. That's called coaching them up.
Originally posted by Briggsky:
The best team in the ACC. Blue is an idiot and daily comes on here for some hugs. How sad can he be? For a being with no understanding of the game and obviously no job, he's now the expert on the ACC. ND is really the third best team, because the best team is gone and the next best team is still in it. You simply can't make these guys up. The perfect team showed their weakness last night and almost lost. Regardless of who wins this thing, the attention as to how UK does thing is even more evident. I'll take our record any day, because I know how hard it's been for these guys who stick around and love Louisville. We'll see the loyalty holds up when the NBA draft comes around. It's ironic that every time UK has a good team the talk turns to the condition of the game today. As usual the player who has the most questions around him concerning recruitment and qualifications as a student is heading to KY. The old "win at any cost" philosophy is alive as it always has been. The great legand Cal got outcoached again with a team that had virtually no Burger Boys. He takes top ten talent and has them go into the top 25 in the draft. That's called coaching them up.
Mr. R. L. Knopp. I'm pretty sure they just come here because you guys have so many UK threads.

This post was edited on 3/29 9:45 AM by lonedingo93
Slimy Human Being would be more in line with Adultry and Abortion. Here is a challenge for you, show me where Cal was charged by the NCAA to be guilty of anything in regard to UMass or Memphis. Investigate and see what the NCAA said about each, then please post it. It is amazing how haters try to make accusations on things they have NO clue about. It is fine with me for fans of other teams to not like UK, but to tell lies about someone is weak.
Originally posted by RexShepcat:
Slimy Human Being would be more in line with Adultry and Abortion. Here is a challenge for you, show me where Cal was charged by the NCAA to be guilty of anything in regard to UMass or Memphis. Investigate and see what the NCAA said about each, then please post it. It is amazing how haters try to make accusations on things they have NO clue about. It is fine with me for fans of other teams to not like UK, but to tell lies about someone is weak.
Haha, yeah! Just a complete coincidence that Slimy Cal has had 2 FFs vacated under his watch. Nothing to see here folks. Just a couple of (very big) coincidences. P's personal indiscretions are between him and his family. If you think that meatball is clean you're an idiot or a UK fan (one and the same really).
Originally posted by RexShepcat:
Slimy Human Being would be more in line with Adultry and Abortion. Here is a challenge for you, show me where Cal was charged by the NCAA to be guilty of anything in regard to UMass or Memphis. Investigate and see what the NCAA said about each, then please post it. It is amazing how haters try to make accusations on things they have NO clue about. It is fine with me for fans of other teams to not like UK, but to tell lies about someone is weak.
Did you feel that way when Cal coached at memphis? If you say no.....then that is all that needs to be heard and you have exposed yourself.....but no, not a bbn fan.....they fur real sur!
Originally posted by Cardiotonic:

This did not go over well with Notre Dame fans and, really, everyone not rooting for Kentucky.

Basically, everyone who's not a Kentucky fan.

Originally posted by Mayoman:

Originally posted by RexShepcat:
Slimy Human Being would be more in line with Adultry and Abortion. Here is a challenge for you, show me where Cal was charged by the NCAA to be guilty of anything in regard to UMass or Memphis. Investigate and see what the NCAA said about each, then please post it. It is amazing how haters try to make accusations on things they have NO clue about. It is fine with me for fans of other teams to not like UK, but to tell lies about someone is weak.
Did you feel that way when Cal coached at memphis? If you say no.....then that is all that needs to be heard and you have exposed yourself.....but no, not a bbn fan.....they fur real sur!
They claim that they just really didn't know until they researched the matter further (after Cow came to UK) and learned the real "truth", e.g. that poor ol Cal was just a victim.
Originally posted by Majestic Red:
Originally posted by Cardiotonic:

This did not go over well with Notre Dame fans and, really, everyone not rooting for Kentucky.

Basically, everyone who's not a Kentucky fan.

And the only reason that number was 33% was because every sorry ass UKay fan switched their internet providers so they could vote twice. Shrewd!

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