IU Student Section

Jun 10, 2005
So the IU students at tonights Iowa game that were wearing sombreros, ponchos, mustaches and holding miraccas get a pass?

I guess WDRB and WLKY weren't there to claim racism.....

That's kids having fun. Liberal jackwagons have to cry about something. They're mad that somebody made a little money making them and selling them.
I didn't see it but wouldn't have a problem with it UNLESS it was an attempt to mock us. That is probably not the case but even they would have to admit that the IU connection in all this makes you wonder.
Why would that be news here, this isn't Bloomington.

And for the record, it wasn't "liberal jackwagons" complaining, it was local Mexican Americans having issue with the UL President and Staff. I don't think it was harmful, but that does not diminish their claims either.
Why would that be news here, this isn't Bloomington.

And for the record, it wasn't "liberal jackwagons" complaining, it was local Mexican Americans having issue with the UL President and Staff. I don't think it was harmful, but that does not diminish their claims either.
Mexican Americans mad that Mexicans are getting their products sold. Have another cocktail. Or make that tequila.
Mexican Americans mad that Mexicans are getting their products sold. Have another cocktail. Or make that tequila.

How about mad that their culture is being stereotyped in an offensive manner. Some are and some aren't offended. I have no stake in that game, but I understand where it is coming from.
How about mad that their culture is being stereotyped in an offensive manner. Some are and some aren't offended. I have no stake in that game, but I understand where it is coming from.
So we get mad if the Japanese wear Elvis outfits. Makes sense.
I figured dressing like Mexicans was a step up for IU students. Next time I suggest pimps and prostitutes.
So what exactly isn't offensive today?

I'm sure a bird with teeth, or dunking a BB, probably offends some Ornithologists. :rolleyes:

And people wonder why Trump is leading.
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It's not so much offensive as it is gay people are really really sensitive. And they control the media. That's why that Jenner thing was heralded as some type of weird champion.

Look! This guy came out publicly telling everyone he doesn't like his junk. What a hero! ;) Cutting it off isn't crazy, it's courageous.
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Give them all a participant trophy, oneear, and tell them the govt will gladly pay their way. Geesh!
I am in the mind set that no matter what you do or say, someone is going to be offended these days. Personally, I could care less. If I offend you, place a note in the complaint box if you can find it. I own a sombrero and poncho that was purchased in Mexico being sold by Mexicans. If they do not want to be offended by other races of people wearing their crap then don't sell it to other races of people...pretty simple. Besides, it's not meant to offend. I'm sure that those student and even our idiot school president, was not wearing the gear to mock or offend some other race of people.

Give it a rest hippies.
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I was at the IU game last night. I am an alum of IU & U of L and a season ticketholder at both for basketball and football. IU has a huge student section for basketball, nearly 9,000. The kids wear lots of goofy costumes and have a great time doing it. Good for them!

As for political correctness, I frankly don't give a damn.
Why would that be news here, this isn't Bloomington.

And for the record, it wasn't "liberal jackwagons" complaining, it was local Mexican Americans having issue with the UL President and Staff. I don't think it was harmful, but that does not diminish their claims either.
Well someone better inform Mexico that it's in poor judgement to dress like that because the minute you cross into Noglas Mexico they're selling you all that stuff. And in San Antonio,TX they're mariachi bands wearing all the same stuff. So it was nothing more than bash Ramsey to gain PR and nothing more.
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Bashing Ramsey for wearing a sombrero is total BS. If he apologized, he shouldn't have done so.
I hope we can all agree there is a difference between honoring a culture and mocking the people.

Those who were offended (not me) felt it was in poor taste because it was mocking. Yes some people get offended at everything, but that should not diminish those who have a legitimate complaint.
The whiners have put the legitimate complainers in the back of the bus.

They did it. Not me.
They wanted nothing more than their moment in the sun. To try and get their agenda noticed. Plain and simple. There was so much outrage I think they had 10 people protesting.
They wanted nothing more than their moment in the sun. To try and get their agenda noticed. Plain and simple. There was so much outrage I think they had 10 people protesting.

One of the little complaining a-holes was wearing flannel. I took it as disrespecting my 90's grunge heritage. A very sacred time for me.
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One of the little complaining a-holes was wearing flannel. I took it as disrespecting my 90's grunge heritage. A very sacred time for me.
One of the little complaining a-holes was wearing flannel. I took it as disrespecting my 90's grunge heritage. A very sacred time for me.
One of the little complaining a-holes was wearing flannel. I took it as disrespecting my 90's grunge heritage. A very sacred time for me.
Some of the whiners are third generation victims of the 1960s hippie drug counter culture.
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Some of the whiners are third generation victims of the 1960s hippie drug counter culture.
The worst part of this?

That generation, and their children, is now running the country.

Hence more and more PC, and over the top, constitution-be-damned directives.

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