Not my intention to high jack the thread. And I've still been around and put my two cents in from time to time when a thread pertained to UK and I could add a different perspective from one of your main rivals. There just hasn't been many topics pertaining to UK over the course of the year given your boards focus on the playoffs, heisman, etc. AnD rightfully so.
As far as the original topic at hand around the prospect of Gran leaving having a debilitating effect going forward and the tangential topic of Petrinos success...I think they go hand in hand based on numerous theads over the years since Stoops and Petrino have been at the two schools. I've read in heregards many many times that Stoops is not a good coach, can't develop talert, can't manage a game and UL will forever dominate us as long as he is in place. The OP has been one of them mis the vocal with that premise. I argued in the past that althought Stoops has definitely had his growing pains as a head coach he is clearly some one who's past successes with players, defenses doesn't jive with the concrete mindset that he is destined to fail and is the next Krag or Joker. Which was never the case to UK fans that knew football and paid attention to the progress.
On the flip side, the overwhelming thought process of this board and from the OP had beenough that Petrino will forever succeed....which based on his history of winning isn't that unrealistic. That he was a superior developer of players and play caller. These traits are seen to overshadow his mediocre recruiting chops and general prickly personality. With the recent losses and lack of success in the Oline specifically, I have seen that mindset challenged by some. With that I threw my two cents in aboit two preexisting schools of thought about the two coaches.
Success at UK has definitely been hard to achieve and even harder to maintain. It will be very interesting to see if Stoops formula is different from the past and sustainable. We are hopeful it is mainly because of the greater sustained success in attracting the Jimmies and the Joes. On the flip side, it will be equally interesting to see how Petrino fares longer term when he is playing year in and out with his own recruits in a power 5 conference. Those were my underlying points