Do you guys still Love Ricky P?

I dragged a couple of co-workers to bw3, was working in Lexington at the time, for the UK/UL game on '02. As literally the only card fan in a packed bar of redneck dumbasses, I listened to the gloating of what the were going to do to us and many comments about traitor Rick and what a POS he was for leaving and he was about to get what he deserved. We'll 30 minutes later it was like being in a tomb after Dean and Garcia lit them up. The absolute vitriol that following that loss that I heard you could compare to what it would be like if Hitlers wake was held in Jerusalem. I wanted to laugh at every one of them but not being a dumbass myself I just smirked and we went back to work. Greatest feeling I had in awhile as you could imagine...well that doesn't compare to the absolute devastation he wrought on this program. Involved or not his obvious lack of oversight brought about 7 years of turmoil, to put that mildly. He's an egotistical pos. And the fact he coaches at another school but appears he wants more attention from another fan base than he does the one he works for is just F'd up to see. Enjoy your GOAT memories. Some of us see something entirely different.
Well I can enjoy the memories and then just let him live life. Him wearing UK gear is his choice. It doesn’t affect my life or the current team we have. It doesn’t change my life if he’s wearing UK gear. But the memories he provided me over his time here did bring me great joy, I won’t forget.

One school invited him back and he attended. We haven’t invited him back. It’s that simple.
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Always look forward to Pitino threads, in part because the participants never change...

The same butthurt U of L fans who despise Pitino but would each give their firstborn child to have U of L basketball return to the level of competition that Pitino fostered.

The more reasonable fans who are indifferent to the man in 2024 but respect his accomplishments.

And the Coach himself who appreciates the fans and the players he brought here, but rightfully pi$$e$ on an administration that d!cked him over and would rather perpetuate a basketball program dumpster fire.

BTW Pitino looks pretty happy in the photos and videos I saw this week.

I use the L-word pretty sparingly and certainly not for a basketball coach...
When UK fans acted angry for him coaching us, we thought it was ridiculous.
No we didn't. UK fans weren't acting angry either. They were angry. And we didn't think they were ridiculous for being angry. We think they are ridiculous for a lot of other reasons.
Now our fans are acting ridiculous for him putting on a UK shirt.
Our fans aren't acting ridiculous, but for some fans, their reaction is about a totality of many events, not just one event.
This rivalry sometimes just makes people act way too angry. I used to be way too into the rivalry, I’m not like that any more. It’s a game. It’s not like he’s working for Bin Laden or Putin, it’s sports. I love it, but having a family and marriage I just can’t have anger for him.
These people that are angry, are angry in the context of sports only. Nobody here is treating the guy like he's Bin Laden or Putin, or anything close to that. You're just making stuff up to fit your narrative.
I was here for the 2005 Final Four. I was there for the title in 2013 and so many other games. You won’t make me forget.
Nobody is trying to make you forget anything, this is just another example of you making stuff up to fit your narrative.
It’s time to move on. He’s old and at the end of his life. Let him and UK mend fences.
How bout you fan how you want and everyone else fan how they want.

But other than all that, great post.
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Thread delivered. Some awesome responses. Some truths, some hate, some kool-aid delusional worship, some lies to fit some sanctimonious narratives, some lectures, and some projection.

Good read for a Sunday. I salute the very bitter OP, he's carving his niche with the Pitino threads. And I salute all responders. Good stuff. Seriously.

Can't wait for the season to start!