Cards getting 6 points to ND

Well, regardless of the example I used, Louisville can achieve elite status in my opinion if Jeff Brohm stays on for 10+ years. It won't be exactly like Clemson or any other program, but good enough to stop being a hunter program and be a hunted program.

I don't enjoy being the disrespected team that needs to be overlooked to win against great programs. I want to stroll into Notre Dame and remind them that there's a new elite program in the ACC.
I don't think we're disrespected at all because it's not personal.
It's more Notre Dame being overrated.

Living in SEC country in Nashville, I met A LOT OF COLLEGE FOOTBALL fans. We may rag on the $EC and such, but their fans have passion about the sport, all of them. They know it very well and you can find it all over the south. Nashville has so many people from the surrounding states that you'll see so many SEC fans in your office.

I always got some respect in terms of they thought we always had a good team and program. Now they do not respect any ACC program outside of Clemson and FSU when they're good, which is typical, but again that's a conference that has earned their respect in terms of talent and passion. But they don't knock us at all.

The friends I made there now do think of Brohm as a solid coach. I think they think he could be a Bill Snyder or even Frank Beamer type of coach, but remember it took those guys decades and several wins on the big stage to earn that legacy, which we as much as we think we have we haven't gotten on the stage like those programs the last 20-30 years where the casual fan saw them. We're a team that essentially had 2 BCS Bowl wins and then we added Lamar, but it's never been a consistent thing. People think of some cool moments with us and all, but there's no consistent thing like a packed stadium and crazy environment every week that people know about.

Jeff can only do so much though, which people do know that and that's why they think he's a great coach for here. But to duplicate the jump Dabo made at Clemson is going to be very hard.

Now I will say this, they had a sh*t ton of respect for Bobby Petrino's coaching ability and until his decline, they always loved talking about him how he's just a winner that doesn't have a soul. Bobby gave us a lot of credibility in those circles until the end lol.

It takes a lot to get that respect. Beating Notre Dame last year was awesome and going to the ACC title game was nice, but we have to remember the fans of other teams don't follow closely. Yes we beat Notre Dame, but then they lost to Northern Illinois and that hurts that perception a bit. We got to the ACC title game, but didn't look great. There's also the fact that Pitt won the ACC title game and there was always a FSU/Clemson invitational of teams rotating to get beat up by Clemson/FSU for a decade.
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FB Tradition is hard to start, harder to maintain and takes dominating a league for an extended period of time...and the Cards have not been in a league long enough to do that until now with the ACC. However it wasn't until last year the Cards made the ACC ship game in what is nationally seen as the 2nd to 1st weakest P5 now P4 league.

Now the Cards need to prove it on the field and win the league...more than once and then make some noise in the new CFPlayoff Tournament. Do that and the nation will take notice. Our past successes or just that in the past and not vs P5 conference teams. Almost forgot...Cards need to beat UK this year and regain dominance in that rivalry.

Not getting the W vs them is the most important thing in this state or you can't muster national respect. Have to be the best team in a non football state as others see it outside of KY to gain respect or butkus.
FB Tradition is hard to start, harder to maintain and takes dominating a league for an extended period of time...and the Cards have not been in a league long enough to do that until now with the ACC. However it wasn't until last year the Cards made the ACC ship game in what is nationally seen as the 2nd to 1st weakest P5 now P4 league.

Now the Cards need to prove it on the field and win the league...more than once and then make some noise in the new CFPlayoff Tournament. Do that and the nation will take notice. Our past successes or just that in the past and not vs P5 conference teams. Almost forgot...Cards need to beat UK this year and regain dominance in that rivalry.

Not getting the W vs them is the most important thing in this state or you can't muster national respect. Have to be the best team in a non football state as others see it outside of KY to gain respect or butkus.
Playing in games that matter is what elevates you.

The Petrino 1.0 era was defined by those Thursday games that mattered. The primetime games we put up big points on TV. Coming close and then spanking Miami. WVU game. Rutgers game even in a loss. Dominating UK on Labor Day weekend. The Orange Bowl. People saw us in those games and we looked great. Smaller stadium, but the crowd was louder and it looked better in a sellout.

The Charlie era was really weird. Schedule was bad those years, but the one game that mattered was that Florida game and it held weight. Then it kept translating. Dominating Miami in that Bowl and then the Labor Day game to start Bobby 2.0 looked great. Then we played Jameis really close. Then the win at Notre Dame was a great way to cap the start in the ACC. Then 2016, we have the Heisman and must see tv. Gameday and a FSU blowout. The game of the year against Clemson. People were watching us and it mattered. At that point, we had stability going back to 2012 of big wins on national TV in games people and pollsters watched. We had the biggest star in the sport. We had respect, even with 1 loss we were in the playoff hunt.

That game against Houston is probably the worst game in UofL history. That moment, everyone was watching us. We get embarrassed on national TV. We then lose to Kentucky the next week on national tv with Lamar. LSU in a bowl game demolishes us. Then 2017 we essentially waste Lamar again and our time in the national spotlight ends. 2018 we collapsed. Satt's era was fine, but we just weren't in that spotlight.

Last year was a good start. The ND game last year mattered because you could match record, ranking, and a big win people saw. We still weren't in the spotlight, because the ACC isn't great and we didn't have a lot of great wins. But we had a good season. The Miami win mattered more than people know, being on ABC in a good game. But then ending the season the way we did, it just gives people some reservation. Now the ending doesn't tank your opinion, Jeff has people talking, but what it could've done was solidify us further as not just some good ACC program like NC State and Doren, but a team that can contend on a national stage.

Right now, people see us as this program with this coach everyone likes and we're just a good team that could make noise and maybe steal a bid if things go right. But winning Saturday is what moves you ahead because people will be watching. You win Saturday? Then people are really watching the Miami game and it gives us another big stage. Beat Miami or even play them close, then it creates another big matchup with Clemson.

Last year's ACC title game mattered only because of FSU, like all ACC title games it's only about one team and it's never had a truly great matchup. That's not our fault. The game having an auto-bid matters and if we're taken seriously, it makes our brand matter.

This was probably long and stupid, but we're in a place I believe we were probably around 2014-2015. Satt for all the crap he gets, we were ranked in his last year and he made us respectable, not feared or elite, but respected and consistent. Jeff took that step last year where we had the big season where people are on the lookout. Now? Do we take the 2016 step and force our way into the national discussion?
Playing in games that matter is what elevates you.

The Petrino 1.0 era was defined by those Thursday games that mattered. The primetime games we put up big points on TV. Coming close and then spanking Miami. WVU game. Rutgers game even in a loss. Dominating UK on Labor Day weekend. The Orange Bowl. People saw us in those games and we looked great. Smaller stadium, but the crowd was louder and it looked better in a sellout.

The Charlie era was really weird. Schedule was bad those years, but the one game that mattered was that Florida game and it held weight. Then it kept translating. Dominating Miami in that Bowl and then the Labor Day game to start Bobby 2.0 looked great. Then we played Jameis really close. Then the win at Notre Dame was a great way to cap the start in the ACC. Then 2016, we have the Heisman and must see tv. Gameday and a FSU blowout. The game of the year against Clemson. People were watching us and it mattered. At that point, we had stability going back to 2012 of big wins on national TV in games people and pollsters watched. We had the biggest star in the sport. We had respect, even with 1 loss we were in the playoff hunt.

That game against Houston is probably the worst game in UofL history. That moment, everyone was watching us. We get embarrassed on national TV. We then lose to Kentucky the next week on national tv with Lamar. LSU in a bowl game demolishes us. Then 2017 we essentially waste Lamar again and our time in the national spotlight ends. 2018 we collapsed. Satt's era was fine, but we just weren't in that spotlight.

Last year was a good start. The ND game last year mattered because you could match record, ranking, and a big win people saw. We still weren't in the spotlight, because the ACC isn't great and we didn't have a lot of great wins. But we had a good season. The Miami win mattered more than people know, being on ABC in a good game. But then ending the season the way we did, it just gives people some reservation. Now the ending doesn't tank your opinion, Jeff has people talking, but what it could've done was solidify us further as not just some good ACC program like NC State and Doren, but a team that can contend on a national stage.

Right now, people see us as this program with this coach everyone likes and we're just a good team that could make noise and maybe steal a bid if things go right. But winning Saturday is what moves you ahead because people will be watching. You win Saturday? Then people are really watching the Miami game and it gives us another big stage. Beat Miami or even play them close, then it creates another big matchup with Clemson.

Last year's ACC title game mattered only because of FSU, like all ACC title games it's only about one team and it's never had a truly great matchup. That's not our fault. The game having an auto-bid matters and if we're taken seriously, it makes our brand matter.

This was probably long and stupid, but we're in a place I believe we were probably around 2014-2015. Satt for all the crap he gets, we were ranked in his last year and he made us respectable, not feared or elite, but respected and consistent. Jeff took that step last year where we had the big season where people are on the lookout. Now? Do we take the 2016 step and force our way into the national discussion?
Good post despite being a little long.

We got to 'Just win baby, win'/as Al Davis used to say. As much as I hate to say this...we have to absolutely beat UK this year and reassert dominance in that series. Have to do it....beat that middling SEC team or little else matters in this state of affairs.

You have to be the best team in your own state to even get national eyeballs on you.

Ask Bama vs Auburn, UGA vs GT, UF vs FSU, CU vs USCjr. etc, etc. Its more than just bragging rights (which are important too) for them and for us, it is legitimacy and affirmation of who has the more prestigious program in your own state and the nation. It all starts there and it always has for both UofL and UK in All Sports and especially FB..

UK's lack of success in the SEC reflects on them negatively and that stigma carries over to us...Others will say "Hell you can't even beat UK or well you beat a lousy SEC team so "So what". They have to get better too.

That is a reason for UofL to schedule tough and nationally ranked traditional opponents OOC and to beat them.
Not the 2 cupcakes we had this year..'.I hate you IU.'...that apparently would have been a good match up this year but those cowards bailed on us.

Having a W vs a BIG team and add ND and the ACC schdule with both Miami and Clemson in the same year is daunting for little old UofL. Then ending with the Wildcats by dominating them is what Cardinal fans dreamed about when CHS made his famous "We are on a Collison Course with a NC, the only veriable is time", bold statement. CJB is in the challenging postion to fulfill CHS ambitions for Louisville. RIght time right place.

Well, damn it, the time is now. As NIKE is famous for, "Just Do It".
The beat goes on.

Looking at Draft Kings fantasy site for Saturdays games, more ND worshipping was in the comments about Riley Leonard in the game against Louisville.

"Leonard if he can get his passing game going, could be a longshot Heisman candidate after this game against Louisville. "

Now how absurd is that? A QB with one TD pass through four games may be a Heisman candidate?


And then on another website featuring Saturdays games said this, "Louisville's secondary is the defenses weakness and it could be a long day for the Cardinals if Riley Leonard finds his passing game."

Looks a hell of a lot like wishful thinking to me. If Leonard becomes Cam Ward the Cards are in trouble.
I only bet when my judgment is drastically different than crowd sourced assessment. I'm not sure about why it's do different for our game vs the domers. My guess is rich catholics (there a lot of them). I'd totally take the Cards, if I didn't bet on the Cards.
It's now -7.

Maybe I'm wrong? Maybe Louisville is going to stink up the field and ND plays like a champion? I've gone over this match-up with a fine tooth comb and I just don't get how the line is - 7 for ND.

What is it I'm missing? Home field is 3 points so ND would still be favored at Louisville. Why? Because they beat Texas A&M? That was game one. Since they haven't been very impressive.

Here is a team with one of the worst passing offensives in the game, who lost at home as 28 point favorites against Northern Illinois, a 7 point favorite over the 15th ranked team who beat their ass last season.

ND had a better QB last season and Louisville has a better QB this season. Yet, the Irish still are a touchdown favorite. Is it the defenses? Nope! Cards have a top 10 defense and is the teams deepest and most talented group.

Is it coaching? Can't see how Jeff Brohm is not considered the more successful coach.

And Louisville looks to be getting it's renowned WR back.

So, I give up. What do I know?
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It's now -7.

Maybe I'm wrong? Maybe Louisville is going to stink up the field and ND plays like a champion? I've gone over this match-up with a fine tooth comb and I just don't get how the line is - 7 for ND.

What is it I'm missing? Home field is 3 points so ND would still be favored at Louisville. Why? Because they beat Texas A&M? That was game one. Since they haven't been very impressive.

Here is a team with one of the worst passing offensives in the game, who lost at home as 28 point favorites against Northern Illinois, a 7 point favorite over the 15th ranked team who beat their ass last season.

ND had a better QB last season and Louisville has a better QB this season. Yet, the Irish still are a touchdown favorite. Is it the defenses? Nope! Cards have a top 10 defense and is the teams deepest and most talented group.

Is it coaching? Can't see how Jeff Brohm is not considered the more successful coach.

And Louisville looks to be getting it's renowned WR back.

So, I give up. What do I know?
Too much money was going on ND +6

So it went to +7

Money, not stats or emotion, moves the line after the original set point.
It's now -7.

Maybe I'm wrong? Maybe Louisville is going to stink up the field and ND plays like a champion? I've gone over this match-up with a fine tooth comb and I just don't get how the line is - 7 for ND.

What is it I'm missing? Home field is 3 points so ND would still be favored at Louisville. Why? Because they beat Texas A&M? That was game one. Since they haven't been very impressive.

Here is a team with one of the worst passing offensives in the game, who lost at home as 28 point favorites against Northern Illinois, a 7 point favorite over the 15th ranked team who beat their ass last season.

ND had a better QB last season and Louisville has a better QB this season. Yet, the Irish still are a touchdown favorite. Is it the defenses? Nope! Cards have a top 10 defense and is the teams deepest and most talented group.

Is it coaching? Can't see how Jeff Brohm is not considered the more successful coach.

And Louisville looks to be getting it's renowned WR back.

So, I give up. What do I know?
Everything you say makes sense, and it's not in line with the betting line,which makes it fishy as all get out to me. It's why I'm worried about this game, but it might just point to us playing in a hostile environment and not being respected on that stage. Time to breakthrough and get the respect,show we belong in that playoff conversation.
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Everything you say makes sense, and it's not in line with the betting line,which makes it fishy as all get out to me. It's why I'm worried about this game, but it might just point to us playing in a hostile environment and not being respected on that stage. Time to breakthrough and get the respect,show we belong in that playoff conversation.
Home team bias can work both ways.

Sometime we overlook and overrate our own and we can’t see why others haven’t looked at us this closely.

But it also works that sometimes we also could have insight into things average bettors don’t have because we know our team.

But we are really an unknown commodity to Vegas. As good as we were last year, we’re a completely new team on offense and to Vegas we have questions.

Vegas sees Notre Dame as a power program at home. Maybe they don’t win a game like this 100% of the time, but most of the time a team with that talent and a big home crowd wins the game. More often than not it happens, so they’ll weigh their bets based on that versus a team they don’t know well.

Now it could be wrong? I think it’s too high, but they weigh a lot of historical factors into these things
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Now it could be wrong? I think it’s too high, but they weigh a lot of historical factors into these things
And it could just be historically speaking we have not been as good against ranked opponents on the road,but it would likely be more recently, like the last 5 years. Hey,like I keep saying, it's high time to start changing perception of our program. A magical chance comes tomorrow.
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It's now -7.

Maybe I'm wrong? Maybe Louisville is going to stink up the field and ND plays like a champion? I've gone over this match-up with a fine tooth comb and I just don't get how the line is - 7 for ND.

What is it I'm missing? Home field is 3 points so ND would still be favored at Louisville. Why? Because they beat Texas A&M? That was game one. Since they haven't been very impressive.

Here is a team with one of the worst passing offensives in the game, who lost at home as 28 point favorites against Northern Illinois, a 7 point favorite over the 15th ranked team who beat their ass last season.

ND had a better QB last season and Louisville has a better QB this season. Yet, the Irish still are a touchdown favorite. Is it the defenses? Nope! Cards have a top 10 defense and is the teams deepest and most talented group.

Is it coaching? Can't see how Jeff Brohm is not considered the more successful coach.

And Louisville looks to be getting it's renowned WR back.

So, I give up. What do I know?
If you stop over thinking is pure media bias in its purest form.

If they are wrong...then it is an upset and oh well...shit happens on the FB field...and in betting, that is why I don't bet.