A pic is worth a thousands words


Sep 21, 2015

For a team obseesed with winning national championships, they (UK) sure do think about playing against us it seems.

I hope they go 39-1 next season, it'll be pure funny and sad for them.
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Meh...I personally don't take any offense to this pic. It's nothing more than some kids accommodating someone's wish for a playful jab photo. I don't think they have any real feel for the rivalry at this point, and we've seen in the past, that all these All-Star participants get along well, but engage in some fun smack with future rival players. Blackshear and Behanan did the same thing with some UK recruits. No big deal. It certainly doesn't rustle my jimmies at all. JMO.
It's not my nature to stalk kids so I have no clue who any of those players are. I am assuming they are future UofK players?

I honestly don't care much how they feel about UofL if they are indeed future UofK basketball players. We play UofK once a year. Who gives a flip?
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Number 5 in the black jersey must be lazy. All the others have two L's down. He's only got one. Come on, bro. You're better than that.
Come on, bro. You're better than that.

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I was listening to John Ramsey yesterday and I have to agree with him that this is utterly offensive. There is no need for this classlessness at a game that is supposed to be celebrating their high school achievements. That said, I would expect nothing less from Cow's latest crop of cup of coffee and done kids. Cow doesn't exactly exude class so why should we expect his kids? But this is offensive.
I was listening to John Ramsey yesterday and I have to agree with him that this is utterly offensive. There is no need for this classlessness at a game that is supposed to be celebrating their high school achievements. That said, I would expect nothing less from Cow's latest crop of cup of coffee and done kids. Cow doesn't exactly exude class so why should we expect his kids? But this is offensive.

Wow, if you find this offensive, you must have some thin skin. As Steelers said, it is common for these kids to poke fun at each other, and rivals. I'd be willing to bet they don't really care, one way or the other. It was a photo op, the person behind the camera asked them to do it, so they did.

Not a big deal.
Wow, if you find this offensive, you must have some thin skin. As Steelers said, it is common for these kids to poke fun at each other, and rivals. I'd be willing to bet they don't really care, one way or the other. It was a photo op, the person behind the camera asked them to do it, so they did.

Not a big deal.
I disagree but I can respect your position. It is disrespectful to another college institution that uses the symbol by turning it upside down. Regardless of whether or not it is a "big deal", it is classless none the less. Again, coming from Cow and Yewkay, I am not terribly surprised.
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I guarantee it will be blackboard material next season, I also think it is funny sUcK fans on our page telling us that sUcK's future class of uneducated one and dones dissing us is no big deal.
We should be focusing on the UK fan boy who took this picture and posted it. I can just picture him. Pushing 300 pounds, decked out in all Wildcat blue, fresh out of his mother's basement.
Oh, so the Final Four is this weekend? Who's playing in it? Where is U of K?

I guess a key reason why someone got these players into the photo op is that U of K fans are talking about this (and next year) and not why they are not in the Final Four this year.

Calipari is a master of spinning situations. Even Immediately after the loss to IU, he starts talking about his class coming in.

Mattie Jones, trained in the legal profession, does the same thing. Deflecting a painful situation or an attack to something else is a strategy attorneys use all the time.
Maybe I'm too old school but you shouldn't see heterosexual males posing with a limp wrist like that. UK fans might think it's funny, I think it looks gay. It's probably not politically correct to say and I'll most likely ruffle the sensibilities of some of our more, gentle fluffier fans but so be it.
LOL. That foot on the basketball thing looks....QUEER! o_O
As much as it pains me to say this, until Rick start to hold up his end of the bargain and start at least winning a few games against them,they have the right to mock us however they want to. It's a shame how they absolutely own us but get beat by teams like UCLA,Tennessee, auburn,Ohio state,LSU and Texas am.
As shameful as bbn treats Pitino after he literally brung UK back from death I don't understand why he doesn't have a fire lit up under his ass to beat the living hell out of them every year. They are are no different than Duke,unc or Syracuse who Rick has routinely beat since Cal been there.
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Meh...I personally don't take any offense to this pic. It's nothing more than some kids accommodating someone's wish for a playful jab photo. I don't think they have any real feel for the rivalry at this point, and we've seen in the past, that all these All-Star participants get along well, but engage in some fun smack with future rival players. Blackshear and Behanan did the same thing with some UK recruits. No big deal. It certainly doesn't rustle my jimmies at all. JMO.
I agree with you steelers being a fan of a team in college basketball but being a dude over the age of 25 following highschool kids on Twitter to figure out which school they are going to is Chris Hansen creepy. Don't get me wrong I enjoy the info, but there are lines you don't cross and that's one of them
If you find this to be classless I can't imagine how you felt after it was revealed that Pitino cheated on his wife by banging a skank on a restaurant table. Oh, and then there's that hooker scandal you folks have going on right now too. I'm sure you're irate about that whole embarrassing issue.
Apparently your coach married a "skank", wasn't she married to a friend of his?
What does any of this have to do with the game of basketball? I could care less who married who or who screwed who in a dorm or a table. College BB has turned into a road rules series. What happened to debating players actual play and teams performances. Our new recruits couldn't tell ya jack about UK vs. UL and vice versa. I hAve a cousin who went to vandy and got kicked off for smokin pot. If you're that bored we can talk about that?
As much as it pains me to say this, until Rick start to hold up his end of the bargain and start at least winning a few games against them,they have the right to mock us however they want to. It's a shame how they absolutely own us but get beat by teams like UCLA,Tennessee, auburn,Ohio state,LSU and Texas am.
As shameful as bbn treats Pitino after he literally brung UK back from death I don't understand why he doesn't have a fire lit up under his ass to beat the living hell out of them every year. They are are no different than Duke,unc or Syracuse who Rick has routinely beat since Cal been there.
The issue isn't that Rick doesn't have a fire in his belly to beat UK. There is no team he wants to beat more you can tell how the game affects him afterwards. There's no other regular season game that he cares more about. Cal probably cares just as much about beating Pitino. Cal just recruits on a level that Pitino will always have a hard time overcoming. I think UK's players are able to play looser because they don't feel the pressure to beat UL from the fans the same way that the UL players do living amongst UK fans
And yet.....
And yet for some reason grown men take offense to a "sign" an 18 yr old throws up or down in this case I guess.... Hmmm. They're kids, they're fooling around, let them be kids, let the ball hit the floor and let the play do the talking. I could care less what they do or say, they have to prove themselves first. As your new guys do as well. THIS IS NOT A BIG DEAL.
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The issue isn't that Rick doesn't have a fire in his belly to beat UK. There is no team he wants to beat more you can tell how the game affects him afterwards. There's no other regular season game that he cares more about. Cal probably cares just as much about beating Pitino. Cal just recruits on a level that Pitino will always have a hard time overcoming. I think UK's players are able to play looser because they don't feel the pressure to beat UL from the fans the same way that the UL players do living amongst UK fans

Man I'm a die hard cat fan, but I'm gonna have to disagree with ya on this. Yea I think Rick wants to beat us badly but it's not the most important thing to him, nor is it to Cal. I think his emotions after games mostly have to do with him being a previous coach here and how we view him now. I do think winning only one time adds to the hurt but that would be with anyone. The pressure on the players, I don't know? I don't know how much they pressure them. Probably not as much as we think just like we don't pressure ours as much as they think? As programs we both have bigger goals. This is a bragging rights game, and more importantly and good one for the resume, win or lose
Just a sign of their class. It's the culture there it doesn't require class or respect and doesn't elicit greatness (players play below national rankings that they tout). This starts at the top and works its way down. A true coach that cares as much about the kids as he claims to would address this immediately and have them all apologize. Of course that won't happen because all involved treat that institution as a money grab and the fans run off of vitriole.
Man I'm a die hard cat fan, but I'm gonna have to disagree with ya on this. Yea I think Rick wants to beat us badly but it's not the most important thing to him, nor is it to Cal. I think his emotions after games mostly have to do with him being a previous coach here and how we view him now. I do think winning only one time adds to the hurt but that would be with anyone. The pressure on the players, I don't know? I don't know how much they pressure them. Probably not as much as we think just like we don't pressure ours as much as they think? As programs we both have bigger goals. This is a bragging rights game, and more importantly and good one for the resume, win or lose
I know both coaches have bigger goals that's why I said it was the "regular season game" that Rick wanted to win the most because any postseason game is obviously more important. If you don't think it is you're mistaken. The fact that he coached at UK, the UK fans are hard on him, there's bad blood with Cal, and he has that monkey on his back until he beats UK more. I graduated from UL so I've seen the students all telling the players to beat UK the week of the game. The UL players live in this city and have to deal with obnoxious UK fans all the time I'm sure. They feel the rivalry much more than UK players who never see UL fans and are only at UK for a year or two in most cases. I never said that Rick puts pressure on his players. The players put undue pressure on themselves
I know both coaches have bigger goals that's why I said it was the "regular season game" that Rick wanted to win the most because any postseason game is obviously more important. If you don't think it is you're mistaken. The fact that he coached at UK, the UK fans are hard on him, there's bad blood with Cal, and he has that monkey on his back until he beats UK more. I graduated from UL so I've seen the students all telling the players to beat UK the week of the game. The UL players live in this city and have to deal with obnoxious UK fans all the time I'm sure. They feel the rivalry much more than UK players who never see UL fans and are only at UK for a year or two in most cases. I never said that Rick puts pressure on his players. The players put undue pressure on themselves

This one game has been difficult for Pitino mainly because of his deeply rooted friendships with many of the people he grew close to while he coached UofK.

He loved Bill Keightly like a brother. NOBODY can deny that no matter what side of this rivalry you stand on. His love for the state of Kentucky is why he came back in the first place. Had the UofK job been open, he would have taken it. It wasn't, but another job in the state was for the first time in 30 years. It was his chance to come back to the state he adopted as his home. He took it after discussing it with those friends who he had grown close to.

He was greeted however with ignorant hatred by a mostly ignorant fan base which makes up UofK basketball. THAT has caused hard feelings. He SAVED UofK basketball and when he returned to the state he loved, he was treated like dirt by the same people who loved him as if he were God himself before he left.

Calipari has had a very good run against Pitino as UofK's head coach. There is no denying that. He didn't dominate Pitino head to head when Calipari was at UMass or Memphis but nobody wants to talk about that. That portion of their head to head match up games has been conveniently forgot.

Bottom line is there has only been 1 coach to ever win a national championship at 2 different schools, and there has only been 1 coach to ever have a final four revoked from 2 different schools. Nothing else really matters.
I guarantee it will be blackboard material next season, I also think it is funny sUcK fans on our page telling us that sUcK's future class of uneducated one and dones dissing us is no big deal.

Suggest looking into the history of this bunch of trash UK has brought to Lexghanistan. They rival the bunch that Cal brought in the first year. Just another group who couldn't spell college and could only get into UK. It is absolutely a sign of disrespect toward a program that graduates students at better than three times more than the six month training program they just bought into.
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College basketball has evolved. We may like it we may not. But make no mistake about it, every player in the top 100 to 150 is in college for basketball not to become a civil engineer. Including some of your guys.
So much "meh" here.

I mean really. How does anyone who gets their panties in a wad over something like this function in the real world?
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So much "meh" here.

I mean really. How does anyone who gets their panties in a wad over something like this function in the real world?

I'm not really reading much in the way of "panties in a wad" here. Some mildly negative takes regarding a photo, and some OT detours taken by some posters. Now if you really want to read a serious example of "much ado about nothing" (panties in a wad) go check on the thread on RRs regarding a former Lexington HS basketball coach and UofL basketball commentator that hasn't been around for roughly 20 years. Those guys could start a hate filled thread about Mother Teresa that would reach multiple pages in agreement. A LOT of anger and hate (and I'm guessing youth) on that board.
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I'm not really reading much in the way of "panties in a wad" here. Some mildly negative takes regarding a photo, and some OT detours taken by some posters. Now if you really want to read a serious example of "much ado about nothing" (panties in a wad) go check on the thread on RRs regarding a former Lexington HS basketball coach and UofL basketball commentator that hasn't been around for roughly 20 years. Those guys could start a hate filled thread about Mother Teresa that would reach multiple pages in agreement. A LOT of anger and hate (and I'm guessing youth) on that board.

Yeah I saw that one Steelers. Pretty silly man.
This one game has been difficult for Pitino mainly because of his deeply rooted friendships with many of the people he grew close to while he coached UofK.

He loved Bill Keightly like a brother. NOBODY can deny that no matter what side of this rivalry you stand on. His love for the state of Kentucky is why he came back in the first place. Had the UofK job been open, he would have taken it. It wasn't, but another job in the state was for the first time in 30 years. It was his chance to come back to the state he adopted as his home. He took it after discussing it with those friends who he had grown close to.

He was greeted however with ignorant hatred by a mostly ignorant fan base which makes up UofK basketball. THAT has caused hard feelings. He SAVED UofK basketball and when he returned to the state he loved, he was treated like dirt by the same people who loved him as if he were God himself before he left.

Calipari has had a very good run against Pitino as UofK's head coach. There is no denying that. He didn't dominate Pitino head to head when Calipari was at UMass or Memphis but nobody wants to talk about that. That portion of their head to head match up games has been conveniently forgot.

Bottom line is there has only been 1 coach to ever win a national championship at 2 different schools, and there has only been 1 coach to ever have a final four revoked from 2 different schools. Nothing else really matters.
Say what you will but UL fans would feel the exact same way if Strong was fired from Texas and went to UK. I know a lot of UL fans (since I live in Louisville) and nearly every one of them had hard feelings toward Strong when he left. Many sold or poured out their CCS Makers bottles. That was for leaving for one of the 3 best jobs in college football. Even though he saved UL from the dumpster fire Kragthorpe created and won UL a Sugar Bowl which might be the biggest win in school history. He left behind a stacked roster that was largely responsible for the smooth transition Petrino had going into the ACC. I still rarely see UL fans that have nothing but praise for him.

Now imagine Strong goes to UK and becomes the second best coach in UK history. He takes UK to a few BCS games. He starts making backhanded comments about UL and their fans to the media. Would UL fans still love Strong? Say Strong is at UK for 14 years so much longer than he was at UL. Do you still identify with Strong as the great UL coach that he was or do you think of him in terms of being one of the greatest coaches that your hated rival has ever had?

UK fans respect what Rick did for our school but we don't identify with him anymore. There is a very small minority of UK fans that still pull for Rick and don't like Cal. I suspect that the same would be true for UL fans if Charlie was at UK. By and large UL fans would have no love left for Strong if his career at UK followed a similar path as Rick's at UL especially If Strong were ripping on the academics, recruiting, and fans at UL
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UK fans respect what Rick did for our school but we don't identify with him anymore. There is a very small minority of UK fans that still pull for Rick and don't like Cal.
I'll address this portion of your post only, mainly because the rest is just speculation or even hyperbole.

Since UofK fans don't identify with him anymore, then maybe it's time to take down his jersey from the rafters of Rupp arena. IF he is so despised for following his heart and returning to the state he fell in love with then take it down, strip him from the UofK records books and disavow him 100%.

I doubt he would mind it all that much (That's my speculative viewpoint). The true colors of UofK fans were exposed to him, and that's why he started hitting back with snarky back handed compliments. They were earned.