It’s always a good week when UL wins and UK losses; but the way things played out in Kroger Field last night suggests that Stoops and UK have some under-lying issues that suggest that more than just injuries and poor performance are contributing to their decline. If there was ever a time to beat Auburn it was this season, and the way Auburn abandoned their pre-game strategy of passing the football in favor of running against UK’s “vaulted front four”, it exposed more than just UK’s defense. Stoops and his staff have lost control of their team.
I watched UK give both UGA and Ole Miss much more than I had ever expected, and it raised concerns as to just how UL would be able to win. Everything has changed, as it appears the players may “have packed it in”. For those UL fans questioning our own fundamental tackling, there is some consolidation in watching UK give up 220+ yards to Hunter when most of the yardage was after contact.
It’s a long way off, but we must beat UK this year regardless of what we do between now and then.