• Cardsfan62
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  • R
    Rollem Cards replied to the thread UofL QB Brady Allen.
    So who’s starting? Bailey? 🤷‍♂️ Haven’t heard a word
  • Slaz_Swag
    After making a Final 4 and having successfully at George Mason he chose to come to Miami to do the same thing he’s mad at his players...
  • Cardiac Red
    Cardiac Red replied to the thread UofL QB Brady Allen.
    I'm saying the coaching staff wanted him to comeback or he wouldn't BE coming back.. There's a reason..
  • R
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  • U
    Dang good coach
  • K
    KozmasAgain replied to the thread Anxiously watching VB portal.
    I guess Boom means we have her because that would be a good pick up. She had a good match when Purdue beat PSU. We also have a good 4...
  • Pervis_Griffith
    Pervis_Griffith replied to the thread UofL QB Brady Allen.
    4th string QB's should be smart enough to realize this. Staying in Louisville won't improve his status -- unless -- he's a really...
  • PushupMan
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  • Cardsfan62
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  • Bardman
    Bardman replied to the thread Anxiously watching VB portal.
    Chloe Ciccone BOOM!!
  • glassmanJ
    i agree. have never been sad when a coach is fired because they still get paid their contract or buyout. jimbo fisher living off...
  • cardrock
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  • CardsRuleTheWorld
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  • Mayoman
    Bump still time. for pics.
  • R
    For a young person it’s like legal stealing. Sign for 2-3 million, invest wisely, and be set for life, win or lose. No downside IMO
  • Mayoman
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  • Cardiac Red
    Cardiac Red replied to the thread Now that's what we needed.
    I get what you're saying, but there are plenty mistakes being made by other guys (Waterman) (Hadley) that don't get punished with bench...
  • Cardiac Red
    Coaching is definitely a young man's game these days. I doubt any coaches are going to last over 10 years under the current structure...
  • R
    At 75 there is no reason for him to deal with this NCAA chit show. Coaches sign contracts. So when a kid or kids transfer out and you...
  • B
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  • cardrock
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  • glassmanJ
    they hit the transfer portal perfectly two years ago and then just collapsed. it's now the essence of sports. riding the roller coaster...
  • glassmanJ
    back to detroit for a super bowl run, let's hope lamar and him meet for the title...
  • R
    Rollem Cards replied to the thread UofL QB Brady Allen.
    I’d assume his phone didn’t ring. Probably a wake up call for a lot of BU QBs
