• Louisvillian
    As someone who lived in So Cal for 4 years, I can confirm that the Mayor and Governor are responsible for the Santa Ana winds and...
  • bigloucards
    bigloucards replied to the thread Lamar Jackson.
    If he wins his 3rd MVP he’ll be 1 of 7 to do so, and Johnny Unitas has 3 as well It’s kinda surreal if you think about that 2/7 players...
  • J
    JTMPR replied to the thread Lamar Jackson.
    Great news for a great player! Now, he needs to win some postseason games. Beginning, with the Steelers tomorrow evening. I'll be...
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    JTMPR replied to the thread Basketball & Football Update.
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    cocoa replied to the thread Basketball & Football Update.
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  • Mayoman
    Mayoman replied to the thread Kelsey and Pitino.
    Always good to pick the brain of the great ones. More power to CPK. Listen and Learn....then execute the knowledge. He will become one...
  • CapnCrunch101518
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  • glassmanJ
    glassmanJ replied to the thread Noah Waterman.
    and He Invented the High Five too!!! Loved those Days!!! "There’s another version of high five history. It credits the invention of the...
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  • Cardiac Red
    Cardiac Red replied to the thread Basketball & Football Update.
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  • nccardfan
    Oh come on, why don't you blame GOD while you are at it... No need for politics here.
  • 2
    Hoping for the best for the Moss family and the hundreds of thousands affected. Mayor Bass and Gov Newsome have a lot to answer to those...
  • K
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    ND series is good for UL; certainly better than without. They compete in all sports except Football, and if that is as good as it gets...
  • 2
    2330859 replied to the thread Welcome .....the new SEC west.
    At 75, I go back to "the old days" often with HS, College and Professional sports. Hard to believe all of the changes, but for the most...
  • Sultan__of__Swine
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    2330859 replied to the thread ESPN awful coverage.
    I was in Cantina Laredo (Destin) watching without any sound. I have increasingly started turning off the sound on most sports...
  • Cardinal Cash
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  • Ty Spalding
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