Now let the debate start, do we change the stadium name

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Jan 26, 2007
probably have to wait a bit but i'm sure the process has begun in the back channels. a meteoric rise and even faster fall. he has no credibility left. but still rich.
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The Papa Johns brand continues and the stadium has been good for marketing. IIRC, Schnatter originally paid only $5 million for the naming rights. Just a few years later, UofL football was featured on national tv quite often. Now that the football program is in the ACC and on some kind of national broadcast for every game, I would suspect that whoever is making those kinds of decisions will wa t to keep the brand name on the stadium.
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totally disagree. the company is failing. sales have gone down for two straight years. almost mimics the schools overall position in hte country also. outside of louisvilel fans, we are a laughing stock. and so is papa john. toime to move on from all the mess. founder is an asshole and his name is on our stadium. time for a change. the man, outside of him paying for the stadium rights at an enormously cheap rate, half the city doesn't like the man, the neo-nazi's and white supremicists back his brand of pizza or what he stands for and thus why would you want that on your stadium after all the crap the school has been thru. just a constant reminder of failure and impropriety. erase him and his memory from history
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Might not be that easy.....the naming rights belong to Schnatter, not the company. He has the right to change the name even if he has no connection to Papa Johns.
Might not be that easy.....the naming rights belong to Schnatter, not the company. He has the right to change the name even if he has no connection to Papa Johns.
You are right in the fact that it ain't that easy... It ain't gonna be easy for my ex high school classmate to hold on to the naming rights, with the way he's been acting as of late. You can bet your bottom dollar that the contract that he has with the university does not allow him to behave in the manner that he has been behaving and maintain naming rights to even a sidewalk paving stone outside of freedom hall. We live in a free country but you better be able to accept the consequences of your actions. Send him packing and take away his bourbon bottle.
No name stadium. nobody is perfect or going to appease everyone. Leave the name debate out of it.

No corporations either. Who will be the next idiot CEO to spout off the wrong thing?

University of Louisville Stadium
Cardinals Stadium
Rail Yard Stadium
River City Stadium
Bourbon Trail Stadium (maybe ALL the Distillers pony up a little?)

Just no names.

PC at it's best :confused:
Muahamed Ali was a racist draft dodger...why does everyone in this city put him on a such a high horse?

Yeah a draft dodger that was totally cleared by the Supreme Court of the United States. He spent his last years fighting for world peace and that qualifies him to be on a “high horse”. You should remember that he grew up in a segregated Louisville where he couldn’t go to most restaurants, movie houses and had to sit at the back of the bus. Maybe you need to try to understand the word racist in it’s totality.

GO CARDS - BEAT EVERYBODY!!! God Bless America!!!
I slowly accepted Ali as genuine in his beliefs. His "dodging" cost him much more than most can imagine. Not only monetarily, but he lost three prime boxing years.

However, I felt he could have done much, much more toward attempting to stop the violence and terrorism.

The most well known, and POPULAR Muslim in the world should have tried to promote some peace.

I guess he didn't have no quarrel with them Al Queda/Taliban/Issis either.

Or maybe he was scared of them too..........?
I’m over the almighty $$$$

Call it “Cardinal Stadium” and don’t take a chance of somebody or some company hiring or firing or polluting, discriminating or any thing else somebody(s) might get bent over.

Money has helped us grow but it’s caused most of our problems too.
Are we talking about Donald Trump or Muhammad Ali?
Beat me to it. Ali could have done a year in the military no where close to Vietnam but instead he lost 3 years of his prime and risked losing his entire career, not to mention jail. Meanwhile Clinton, GW Bush and Trump used deferments, political connections or BS bone spurs to avoid Vietnam.
Yeah a draft dodger that was totally cleared by the Supreme Court of the United States. He spent his last years fighting for world peace and that qualifies him to be on a “high horse”. You should remember that he grew up in a segregated Louisville where he couldn’t go to most restaurants, movie houses and had to sit at the back of the bus. Maybe you need to try to understand the word racist in it’s totality.

GO CARDS - BEAT EVERYBODY!!! God Bless America!!!
I grew up looking up to the Klitschko brothers. One holds a PHD and is the mayor of Kiev. 3 time heavyweight champion who has never been knocked down. Not loud mouthed, show off, racist jack wagons.
TBH, after all the negative crap that UofL has been associated with the past five years or so, I almost don't even care. I'm numb to most of it at this point.
TBH, after all the negative crap that UofL has been associated with the past five years or so, I almost don't even care. I'm numb to most of it at this point.
I'm at the point I just get a bowl of popcorn and sit back and watch, even chuckle sometimes. Sports are entertainment and entertainment only. When I was 18,it may have bothered me, now I see it for what it is. Hell, the world cup is more entertaining to me than any college sport anyhow.
from our president-
"By taking this action, we renew our community's commitment to speaking up when it matters, doing what is right, and coming together as one team -- our Cardinal family -- to heal and move forward," she said.
Exactly this could be what we needed. Papa wasn’t going to put more money in so now we give someone else the opportunity to show their support.

I agree. Naming rights makes for some awful stadium/arena names, but it's a way to make a lot of money without having to "do anything." Paint a name on, get paid. I totally get it. That's why you have ridiculous bowl games like the Camper's World Bowl, the Potato Bowl, or whatever.
I dont need to change. I served my time for the country that I wasnt even born in and made something of myself. Says more than most of these lazy , pants sagging, blue haired, vagina hat wearing, idiots. You liberals keep up your extremism as I hope you do because your political correctness Is what will get trump elected again. Republicans run the entire government thanks to you dumb asses
FWIW I served my country too and lost close friends in combat. But that has nothing to do with your line of thought, Muhammad Ali, or the name of the stadium. Nobody will change your dislike for Ali or your love of everything you. I think you might be late for a rally somewhere.
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I dont need to change. I served my time for the country that I wasnt even born in and made something of myself. Says more than most of these lazy , pants sagging, blue haired, vagina hat wearing, idiots. You liberals keep up your extremism as I hope you do because your political correctness Is what will get trump elected again. Republicans run the entire government thanks to you dumb asses

I believe it your type of conservatism that is a major issue today. You can hate or like anyone you choose but your racism is obvious and you should really think about that. It’s kinda like this fools at Charlottesville that preach hate. I don’t like the far left either as they don’t have any logical reason to exist. The USA is a centrist country and we should move forward as such. We would accomplish far more than either the far right or left would.

GO CARDS - BEAT EVERYBODY!!! God Bless America!!!
I dont need to change. I served my time for the country that I wasnt even born in and made something of myself. Says more than most of these lazy , pants sagging, blue haired, vagina hat wearing, idiots. You liberals keep up your extremism as I hope you do because your political correctness Is what will get trump elected again. Republicans run the entire government thanks to you dumb asses

Yes, and things are so great now due to republican control. Nothing to see here. Just a country now more divided since the Vietnam Era, a war we lost. Chappy, GFY.
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