Win or lose, I hope we are active and aggressive for the full 40 minutes. We have a habit of getting tense and unsure of ourselves against this team. If we shoot > 45% I like our chances.

Yep I hope to see the team play with heart and fight hard for the win. The tense and timid play of so many of these past games made the losses that much harder to take.
Cards win by 15+


I’m with you. Would not surprise me at all. This one feels like a big win. I thought 10 to 15 before UK lost 2 in a row. I still like the Cards by at least 5 to 10.

The Cards pack line D will be tested today.

Cats keep it close if they can get out and run or hit 3s at a clip they have not hit at all year.
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With the defense the way it is we need to get some transition points.

I'll be the first one to say it. I hate the long layoff, too long IMO. We should've played a game last Saturday. You just never know how a team is going to come out after a long layoff. Not too concerned though, we'll heat up.
Maxey been like 1-18 , Richards had not scored more than 6 points in how long Nwora o-5 only in the UK game do we have this bad luck
Both teams playing good defense the only time we are hurt is when we collapse inside giving them the open 3
louisville will loose by 20. sorry i see the same crappy playing against UK for ten years now. bricking 3s.
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I don’t think sUcK looks that good the right adjustments would change the game completely. The only thing that surprises me is sUcK is getting more rebounds than I thought they would. Sutton is to far away from the basket. He needs to be underneath scrapping for the ball.
My 2 complaints is us allowing Richards position on the offensive boards and McMahon/Kimble backing off UK’s guards for open threes. Why did we not see David Johnson until the last possession of the half?
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The offense needs to run through Enoch at this point not Nwora. Keep feeding Enoch and playing good defense.
Enoch is a our best player right now.

Reminds me of 2011 when Terrence Jennings had an advantage over some teams but we just refused to feed him Lomé we should.

Nwora in the 2nd half needs to show he’s more than a just an elite scorer. All Americans need to impact the game in more ways even when they don’t score. If he isn’t scoring he shuts down and so does our offense.

We aren’t out of it yet, hit some 3’s and we right back!

Go Cards!
My 2 complaints is us allowing Richards position on the offensive boards and McMahon/Kimble backing off UK’s guards for open threes. Why did we not see David Johnson until the last possession of the half?
I think if you DVR the game and you happen to rewatch it, focus on McMahon’s defense. For the most part he is working his tail off. That has to be the reason Mack doesn’t give DJ more minutes.
They’ve been doing that all game the Nwora dunk attempt he was hammered no call they call it good defense. The Sutton rebound he was mauled no call good defense they call it

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